What is it about right angle flashlights?

It’s all about the reflector, coupled with the emitter. In this case, you have a choice of clear or pebbled optics. I went with pebbled and it’s great. “Throw” is a nebulous term, out of context. I look at it more like short, medium, and long range. For headlamps, you want short and medium. But, you can still find long throwers too.

Keep in mind that with headlamps, the most common task is near field illumination. And you’ll want area flooding for best usage. Then use a handheld for more focused work. Also check out Nitecore’s offerings.

I have several Fenix lights, the widest being a PD30. But the diameter is still a little more narrow than the TH20, so the clip is too tight to fit (don’t want to force it and risk stripping of anodizing).

Yeah I’ve done that before too, but its usually up close/in small spaces that I need to use it and aiming it while clipped on is tough.



That’s correct.

For a tight beam you need a large optic.

Did you all see Skilhunt uglied up the H03 ?
It’s called H04 now and it really looks disappointing…

I like angle lights too, by the way.
I have several Skilhunts, the Nitecore H30 (or what’s it called) and some others.
But i never use them as headlamps.

I have this guy:

and it’s one of my favorite lights. Olight’s build quality is impeccable, and it’s a tiny right-angle light so it’s super useful.

The only right-angle light I use more is a AA Zebralight and this light:

I only use the Harbor Freight light more as it’s a lot better for automotive work, and I don’t care if it gets scratched.

I always carry an angle light in my maxpedition pocket organizer, it’s very handy when you have to do anything.


i’ve never had one, but i also cannot imagine how i would use it.

maybe it would be useful 1% of the time.

but that would never make me carry 2 lights around.

at best i would use it at home - but i would have to go get it, which means most of those times i wouldn’t.

at home, i could also have a regular light fastened to some small camera tripod for the 2 times a month i might use it.

so i don’t get it

if i got one for free, fine, but i would not buy one or carry it around if i had it.



I have the H03 and really like it. Just a glance look at H04, I didn’t notice much of a difference. What is so tremendously disappointing about it?

I just wish a warmer tint LED was available. Olight is so mainstream now, they’re not doing much to appease the flashlight enthusiast.

I have that one too, an earlier release made of ABS plastic. It’s terrific. I also have the larger metal one labeled “QUANTUM” sold @ Harbor Freight, which is nice, but not as versatile as the folding work light.

Was the emitter change difficult? I might consider that.

I also have the Streamlight survivor Smokecutter issued to me, very throwy but not much spill, almost annoying. I find myself carrying the legacy incandescent one for more spill also on my turnout gear. But as right angle lights go they are super handy, durable, although larger than the headlamp ones now available. My original Smokecutter got snagged off my gear and was in a burning structure for several hours and still functions. Had to replace the battery pack but how many Skillhunts or other brands can say that? Streamlight did their research with these lights.

So far my anodizing has held up fine from the clip. Couple of nicks from drops though. FWIW, I don’t really care as it is a tool first. Hope these pics will help in a search for a clip that will work for you.

^ Thanks for the measurements! :+1:

Have recently really gotten into right angle lights. A couple months ago had none, now two, and two more on the way. The mostly end up getting clipped to a shirt pocket, backpack strap, or belt.

New Armytek Zippy is an interesting budget solution to hands free lighting. Clips to shirt pocket and even button strip as it’s lightweight. Terrible color and beam, tho.

The NW Nova must be about 5000K. Not warm, but also no greenish tint. Like it very much. Got one just to have an angled light with clip (use Armyteks Wizard and Tiara for running).

I only use my Armytek wizard pro now

They changed their typical battery tube into something ugly (i.m.h.o.).
I don’t like the new power button either.
The rest is indeed still the same.