What game are you playing/looking forward to and on what platform?

I recently revisited Empyrion. Still a great game, and to be honest I have no idea why it didn’t get bigger than it did/has.
The building possibilities are huge and you can lose hours just designing ships of various classes and bases etc.
The AI seems to be the biggest let down to me, it’s pretty pathetic to tbh. I have never played it multiplayer.
Old video, and a lot has been improved now, but it sums it up nicely!

i love a bit of CS go

infact im gonna have a go now

I'll play any FPS that isn't just about all cut scene video and little in the way of gameplay that's on sale for less than $30.Less than 10GB is a plus.

Oi, nice to see a fellow Empyrion fan! I don’t have it but loved watching Let’s Plays of it a while back when I was too broke to buy it, so much so that I’ve seen it grown from the very first alpha. It’s underrated as heck, you’re damn right about that.

Dusk. Amid Evil. Ion Fury. Serious Sam. Unreal. Pick your entertainment.

And if you change your mind, Deus Ex.

I like the Special Ops parts of COD 2 and 3.

Early Black Ops versions were good also.

I play the full Metro series when I need a quick fix.

Waiting for more of the recycled Master Chief on PC

Former USMC and NYPD shooting team,Competitor in many of the shooting sports

FIFA addict here…but adopted club West Ham so mostly play as them - sigh!

Prey is excellent and usually on sale. But you can just play TF2 or CS:GO for free anyway if you wanted.

Anyone into games like System Shock? They're like Deus Ex and Prey too. I am looking forward to the remake of SS1, System Shock 3, and hopefully there is a Prey 2. I do not consider Bioshock to fit in this genre, I guess its called an immersive sim. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immersive_sim I hope Cyberpunk 2077 is like that too.

Which one, the 2006 game or the 2017 one?

System Shock 2 is rad. Kinda early 3D jank, but it’s jank that works VERY well. And SHODAN is still the best evil AI in all of fiction, hands down.

Has anyone played Dungeons 3? As a child, I remember playing Dungeon Keeper and it was an amazing game for me. So recently I found Dungeons 3 for myself. This is a complete reincarnation of the game itself. I was immensely happy to see a similar game and immediately rushed to buy it. What can I say about this game, in General, I liked it. Of course, there are not some elements from the old game, but this one brought something different.
I’m also currently playing Fortnite. the only thing that pleased me is the multiplayer. it’s perfect for me. I play for many hours a day and I want to get better, so I look at my fortnite stats tracker

I heard that the 2006 one is good, but I only played the 2017 one.

Are the Black Mistresses still there ? If not i'll stick with my good ol' DK2 ;)

They’re not here

Used to play any decent game on any system. Only have time for the odd game of Fortnite mobile when I’m out of town at a hotel anymore. Those VR devices (Oculus Quest) are really trying hard to find their way in to my unavailable time.

I played a little bit of DOOM (2016) on PS4.

The graphics and sound effects are amazing.

The music is very suitable.

Since I'm not used to newer first person shooters, I think I should play it on easy until I get a handle on things.

I'll play it again later, but for now I will return to my more laid back JRPG.

I hope you are all taking full advantage of all the free games being given away lately?
I got tomb raider free the other day from steam and world war z from epic along with figment, I haven’t played any yet though!

if you guys find any free games, link them here maybe?
Epic games - here
Steam games - here

The GOG store also gives away items periodically, and currently they’re on a big sale. I jumped on the opportunity to get the full Darkest Dungeon collection.

Samurai Shodown 2020

When everyone would crowd the SF2 cabinet and have a line of 5-10 people putting up quarters to hold their spot, my buddy and I would play Samurai Shodown in the corner. Never a line to play, so much cooler, and a more “Japanese” feel to it than SF2. It’s basically SF2 with bladed weapons and blood…

And now they are making a reboot for this year! I saw it on the Epic Games link posted, thanks!

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hacker's Memory on PS4 was getting really repetitive, so I decided to try something else.

I started to play The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I on PS3.

I haven't gotten very far, but it seems like a solid JRPG.

The graphics aren't amazing, but I think I like the game.

Started playing Disciples II again. On my FreeBSD PC.