What are you snacking on now?

I love me some garlic hummus, but I would have to roast that cauliflower.

Now some fresh carrots

Roasting is good! I have at times charred it in a frying pan. Charred Brussels sprouts can be great too, especially with chopped pecans.


Snacked yesterday, not right now, but Eggo cereal, dry. Damn, they’re dee-licious. Addictive like crack, you really gotta force yourself to not eat the entire box in one sitting.

Made some good salsa on Sunday. Still snacking on it today with some white corn tortilla chips.

My Mom’s dishpan cookies. An oatmeal based cookie with coconut and pecans made crunchy with rice crispies. Awesome stuff! Even better that the recipe makes 13 dozen! :smiley:

Strawberry ice cream.

Raw green beans with spicy hummus. Tried a different brand that has the beans pre-trimmed, all ready to go. Was so delicious after light steaming (4 minutes). Dabbed the hummus on top. Great nutritious snack.

Jalapeño peanut brittle, tasty!

I’ve never tried that, but it sounds addictively good.

Jalapeño peanut brittle sounds awesome!

For a while, M&M's had a Jalapeño version, but I haven't seen it at the store in many months.

A friend of mine got me two bags of peanut brittle from this company that had a booth set up at a Spring Festival in a small town. He’s been getting it from them for years. The plain peanut brittle is superb, the Jalapeno… well, a very pleasant unexpected surprise! :smiley:

I got these today (the zinger ones, others oos) and man, I just can’t stop munching them! do you get these anywhere else in the world? new this week here

Had ’em before, but didn’t open the stash I just bought today, Utz Red Hot cheeps. Nice and burny, makes ya breathe through your mouf which you just can’t keep closed after eating a bunch of ’em. Deceptively not hot at first, just smouldering, but then… :laughing:

Those look delicious!

I don't think I've ever seen Walkers potato chips around here, though.

Maybe different brand there - maybe Lay’s? (same thing)

celery stuffed with Ruth’s Original Pimento Spread.


Yes, we have Lay's over here.

I'll look for some Lay's KFC Zingers.