Giveaways! - GEARBEST's 6th Anniversary - Winners posted in OP and post 128--important announcement post 144

The new funny/popular word of the month goes to ,

It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide.

-Mad Magazine-

Dated British slang for

"It's madness to bribe a policeman with counterfeit money."

Hope that's silly 'nuff to get me in.

Thx for the gaw.


Thanks for a chance to win; I am in!

Another GAW from GB, yaiyy!! Count me in, thanks :beer:

I am in, thanks!

I’m in! Can’t leave the house, so I’ll have to get things shipped to me.

In, thank you, Gearbest! Gimme the gear!

Give it to me Gearbest uh-huh uh-huh
Give it to me Gearbest uh-huh uh-huh
Give it to me Gearbest uh-huh uh-huh
And all the girlies say I’m pretty fly for a torch guy

Tata-sal, show me the giveaway

You know, in the states tata is slang for……um… golden bozos?

Like I need another light!
Alright a free one is OK.

thanks GB for the gift you’ve send :+1: :innocent:

Thank you for the giveaway!

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender looked at him and says,
“Hey. Why the long face? ” Gimmie the prizes!

Give me that light while we are on quarantine….

Maurice Maeterlinck wrote: Happy the eyes that need no illusion to see that the spectacle is great!

But the eyes do need a flashlight at night. Thanks for the GAW!

Happy birthday to Gearbest and thanks to Tatasal!

For BLF, the prize should be budget stuffs too :smiling_imp:

Thanks Gearbest and Happy Birthday. I always thought that you’d been around a lot longer than 6 year, so you must be doing something right.

It feels like dark times are ahead of us, and I appreciate you trying to lighten the mood with this GAW.

Thanks for the comp!

hey GB, give me that prize…

Happy birthday GB! :partying_face: