What game are you playing/looking forward to and on what platform?

I heard that the 2006 one is good, but I only played the 2017 one.

Are the Black Mistresses still there ? If not i'll stick with my good ol' DK2 ;)

They’re not here

Used to play any decent game on any system. Only have time for the odd game of Fortnite mobile when I’m out of town at a hotel anymore. Those VR devices (Oculus Quest) are really trying hard to find their way in to my unavailable time.

I played a little bit of DOOM (2016) on PS4.

The graphics and sound effects are amazing.

The music is very suitable.

Since I'm not used to newer first person shooters, I think I should play it on easy until I get a handle on things.

I'll play it again later, but for now I will return to my more laid back JRPG.

I hope you are all taking full advantage of all the free games being given away lately?
I got tomb raider free the other day from steam and world war z from epic along with figment, I haven’t played any yet though!

if you guys find any free games, link them here maybe?
Epic games - here
Steam games - here

The GOG store also gives away items periodically, and currently they’re on a big sale. I jumped on the opportunity to get the full Darkest Dungeon collection.

Samurai Shodown 2020

When everyone would crowd the SF2 cabinet and have a line of 5-10 people putting up quarters to hold their spot, my buddy and I would play Samurai Shodown in the corner. Never a line to play, so much cooler, and a more “Japanese” feel to it than SF2. It’s basically SF2 with bladed weapons and blood…

And now they are making a reboot for this year! I saw it on the Epic Games link posted, thanks!

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hacker's Memory on PS4 was getting really repetitive, so I decided to try something else.

I started to play The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I on PS3.

I haven't gotten very far, but it seems like a solid JRPG.

The graphics aren't amazing, but I think I like the game.

Started playing Disciples II again. On my FreeBSD PC.

I’ve been playing Half Life Alyx.

What can I say that hasn’t already been said. It’s incredible.

Halo CE, desktop

Yakuza 6, awesome but underrated series, a unique fun beat them all RPG. Not boring unlike many western games that takes them-self too seriously.

I just keep playing minecraft java for PC

Think I’m going to commit to a newer graphics card soon, after this whole situation blows over. Mine is old, severely obsolete and now starting to glitch out.

Far from a bad choice, especially with the 1.16 Nether update coming up.

Any of you guys play Raid: shadow legends - maybe we could make a blf guild if you do. It’s on phones and you can get it on pc. Free to play.

Still waiting for my bonus checks I was promised, so I went TR.

Others are Goat Sim, Borderlands 2. Looking forward to playing Borderlands 3 soon. Goat Sim is a lot of fun and usually on sale. I picked up all of the expansions for a few bucks last year.

Playing Unturned now that I got a new graphics card and it runs faster than at a slideshow framerate. Really fun game, and free to play!

Now on the next payday, I’m probably gonna buy Dusk.

Casual PC gamer here.
I like to get value for my money, I played Unreal Tournament for a good ten years or more.
More recently I’ve been investing waaaaaaaaay too much time in Killing Floor, a zombie co-op affair.

KF 1 or 2? Have not played 1 for a while now, it was always intense but the mechanics can be a bit frustrating.