
Rest up and good luck for a speedy recovery!

I feel sad that you got the bug. I hope that you will be all good soon. Follow doctors orfers, and you should be all good.

Best wishes on your recovery.

Your body is a lean mean fighting machine.
And it has been preparing a lifetime long for days like this.
So let it do what it can do best: beat these little buggers.
Your only concern is to avoid distraction from that task.
So rest a lot, and eat and drink properly.
To check the last: if you pee less, drink more (water)!

And most of all: keep up your morale!
A bit of luck might help => I wish you a lot of it.

Wishing you a speedy recovery DBSAR, our thoughts are with you and your family in this difficult time.

I normally sleep on my side, rarely on my back.
The word is that if breathing gets labored with Covid-19 to sleep/rest on one’s stomach … Hospitals in the UK have used pregnancy pillows to ease breathing. These pillows have a large void and only support the upper body and hips.
Sure you can jury rig something with several pillows.

So best of luck and do recall that mortality rates are low. I’ll be 73 this July so I’m in a high risk group.

hope for a speedy recover

[QUOTE=DBSAR]Been sick, trying to recover. COVID-19
Hello everyone, i somehow got unlucky, got the COVID-19 virus. I have been feeling strong flu symptoms for a week, fever, cough, & no-energy, but after a call to the doc, i am now under the weather and doing what i can to make it through it. I will post updates when i can here in this topic.

No no DBSAR, you’re doing this all wrong, you’re supposed to get sick of us, not sick with COVID-19.

Seriously though, my best wishes to you and yours.

Keep getting up and moving around . You need rest but you can’t stay down.

Ooh, sorry to hear that. That’s no fun at all. We’re all rooting for your speedy recovery. Please update us as your time and energy permits. Take care!


How do you know it is COVID-19.
Diagnosed via telephone?

Yh that’s what I’m thinking. Anyone who has sysmptoms is automatically labeled as having COVID-19 but does that mean they actually have the Sars-CoV-2 virus? I don’t think normal cold symptoms should last over a week though.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery from Australia mate

Get well soon!

Best wishes and get well soon !

Get well soon mate. Any idea how you caught it?

Get well soon!

Im sure you had good intentions by posting that chart, but it is full of inaccurate info.

for example
It says Lemons have a high PH, this is not accurate at all. Lemons are Very Acidic.

I also checked the info on Garlic, and again the PH is not as stated, garlic is also Acidic, not Alkaline…

I would still use garlic, and lemons, but not because they are alkaline…

Speedy recovery.

Get better soon DBSAR :+1: