[New] Lumintop Tool AA 2.0 Ti

Is the >5 ma coming from the lighted tail cap or something else. I haven’t checked mine, you all got me wondering if I need to check and see if my battery is dead.

Yeah, that stock tailcap is a battery hog. Keep an eye on it. Not only is it the style where the LEDs are on the switch’s PCB (less efficient than a separate ring board), but the current is cranked up so it can shine through a black tailcap :person_facepalming:

A triple, of course :smiley:

I fixed that a few days after I got mine by taking off a couple resistors with some needle nose pliers. I didn’t even both heating up the solder, but I did destroy those surface mount resistors. :slight_smile: I cannot believe Lumintop employed such a bad design/concept!

If you decide to make copper shelves i’d be in for one.

Funny how most Chinese manufacturers still don’t know the difference between brass and copper and sometimes they call it red copper or purple copper and just happens to be brass with forced patina… and it’s not like they don’t work with copper, they just don’t care.

Yes! +1

Not too enthousiastic about the looks of the ToolTi with brass piece either, the original looks better, more hard-core titanium or however you would say that. I do agree with the decision to use brass instead of copper, brass is stronger, it makes for a structurally more robust flashlight, and the thermal conductivity is plenty.

I have always had good experiences using C14500 Tellurium Copper. It machines fairly easy without gummimg up like pure copper.
It’s harder than pure copper, I think its close to brass. Depends on the alloy of brass I guess.
It machines similar to soft aluminum to me and still has good thermal conductivity. It’s still a soft metal though, just better than pure copper.


Call me crazy but I can’t stand the look of it. The “gold” color whatever they used looks tacky to me.

Just seen that Martin M4DM4X has posted a great code for the new Copper Tool AA 2.0 from Nealsgadgets.

Are there any codes available for this new revision of the TI Titanium Tool from Banggood or AliExpress?

Preferably AE the official Lumintop shop has choice of emitter tints and can supply with cell.

Many thanks!

Got my ti tool yesterday v2 with brass bit. I’m pretty blown away with how nice it is. Glad I’ve got two ally ones to mess about with modding.

So it is brass even in the production phase?
because they keep mentioning copper

Looks far to yellow to be copper to my eyes. Looks friggin lovely tho.

Gentlemen. Maybe I am wrong. And I repeat the wrong message. In that case I apologize.

AFAIK there IS NO word for brass in Chinese. At the most it is called yellow copper
And why stating the obvious if everyone can see on the picture that it is yellow.
So what you know to be brass is most of the time just called copper.

Maybe one of you may feel the urge to add a new word to the Chinese language. Be my guest.
And while you’re at it, do bring them on speed regarding beads, bulbs and files. Have fun.

they mean Yellow Copper (brass)

To the Chinese, as the Dutch, brass is yellow Copper, and copper is Red Copper, but I agree Chinese flashlights often dont specify, and just say “copper” for brass.

“Geel koper” (yellow copper) is a bit oldfashioned, more usual is the word “messing”.

I’ve received today “copper” pill for ToolAA and scratched the bottom. It is brass.

Thx for language explenation guys, now i’m sure that yellow copper is not possible.


they were just “messing” w us

Is the copper yellow (brass) or red copper ?

If so, why are they using different materials?