M4D M4X deals - Astrolux WP1 and WP2 LEP

Hello my dear friends - ready to order:

Lumintop FW3T BLUE
Tool AA 2.0 COPPER

Can this light be programmed to click on at turbo?
I know with anduril on a side switch it’s possible. But this will be my first anduril light using a rear switch.

It’s got a tail mounted “side switch” so it functions exactly the same.

Thanks for the reply. I will order one now.

you need to program the "ceiling" to maximum as far as i understand

Flashsale at Thrunite.COM

the all-new Desert Tan T1 for 35% off,
or a TC20 for 35% off,
or the bundle of a T1 and a TC20 for 35% off!

use the code FS
Link: https://www.shareasale.com/u.cfm?d=350074&m=44171&u=1006337

i orderd the copper tool AA with 219C 4000k using your link :sunglasses:

4500k –5000k would have been beter, but i think i will survive :wink:


thanks for your support!

Martin, the deal for the Tool AA Copper has “an end” or it will be available for a while?
I’m thinking of getting it , but my wallet is not friendly these days!
Thanks for the deal in advance! :+1:

I have no end date yet, but those copper versions are only made in smaller batches...

SEEKNITE ST01 XPL-V3 LED 1200 Lumens

$22.99 $37.49 -39%banggood.com

How did you find the colour-temperature of the Nichia 219C version? Do you happen to know the same for the Cree XPL CW emitter?

M4DM4X, do you also have any codes for the Tool AA 2.0 Ti - titanium edition from Banggood, AliExpress, or Nealsgadgets? It's now revised with the copper (more like brass) section in the head.

Preferably from Neal, else AE as the official Lumintop shop has choice of emitter tints and can supply with cell, which BG does not.

Thanks as always!

https://deals.m4dm4x.com/2020/05/18/lumintop-tool-aa-2-0-ti/ ;)

I asked Neal, Just ask him on messenger :sunglasses:

saw on facebook lumintop is perhaps doing a fw 21 pro with side switch now…


Will the pro fw21 come with side switch or is it still in developing stage Martin

Thanks buddy

a design atm - but if the demand is there... ;)

i personally expressed the wish for a single LED (SB90.2 and a White Flat / XPL HI )

Looks great! SBT90.2 would be an absolute overkill for this size of light, but it becomes a true pocket rocket.

for the sane people a XPL HI will be perfect ;)