[WANTED] Native English speaking reviewer

RPI, please send me a PM.

Thanks for all the PMs guys.

I have enough people to help me out this summer..

If you are interested as a backup, or willing to help me out in the future, you can still send me a PM.

Open again for the summer of 2020

All boxes ticked apart from being a native english speaker. :cry:

I’m your man! I know absolutely nothing about the subject matter, but I’ve looked at loads of YouTube videos and I know how it’s done.

  • Native English speaking (hard requirement)
    I often speak with English natives. It is indeed a hard requirement – but you get used to it.
  • Able to finish a review within 2-3 weeks after arrival !!! (This seems to be the most difficult to fulfil)
    Piece of piss! We’re talking about a device which takes one or more batteries, has one or two switches and a limited number of operating modes. No way I’d need 2-3 weeks for that!
  • Willing to follow a specific style / layout for the review.
    Dead easy! They all do it the same way! You take the thing out of the box, show essential details, such as the guarantee card, the reserve sealing rings and the wrist loop.
    You never refer to “sealing rings” or “wrist loop” - always say “O-rings” and “lanyard”.
    You NEVER EVER say “torch” or “hand lamp” - ALWAYS say “flashlight” - as some people do not understand synonyms.
    After you’ve displayed all the junk on the table, you take the thing outside – but don’t go too far. Your back yard/garden will suffice or some dark alleyway in your neighbourhood. Nonetheless, for dramatic effect, you should refer to the testing area as “wilderness” or something similar.
    Wave the lamp about a bit and say things like “Wow!”, “Awesome!”, “Look at that!” or “That’s insane!”. It’s not peoples’ intellects you need to appeal to – it’s emotional appeal which will get them running for their credit cards.
    Never admit that you haven’t measured the distance to the objects you are beaming to. It will suffice to say “That tree is ABOUT xxx meters/yards/feet”. How are they going to know the difference? No one is going to come around and check!
  • Able to take pictures with a good camera (on a white background, but also for beamshots)
    I have a white background – but I’m not a racist! I’ll take pictures of anyone, regardless of their racial background.

The following is not required, but nice to have:

  • A lux meter
  • A DMM
    I have both in one device! I own a Fluke 187 – which would be a luxury meter to many people.
  • Android phone to plot runtime graphs
    I have an Android phone, and it doesn’t take me long to run the bath.
  • Home made Integrating sphere
    I brew my own home-made integrated beer.

Furthermore, I suffer from mild dyslexia, so anything I write can be easily understood by people who can’t read.

I don’t think you’ll find a better reviewer anywhere on this forum!

Love it guys. I received about 6 messages so this thread is closed again...

Will respond to everyone who sent a message. This is going to be difficult :(

Winter is coming... and we're busy...

Anybody willing to volunteer as back up?

I can highly recommend it. I’ve learned loads by doing reviews and from ChibiM and the rest of the team.

Looking for reviewers again.. preferrably from the US

(because of sending directly from certain vendors in the US)


Apply through the following link: https://1lumen.com/reviewer-wanted/

Are reviewers paid?

No, it's voluntarily

Good to know.

No worries!

There are many benefits for people on the team...

edit: Thanks.. we received about a dozen of applicants so far..

you can still apply!

Opening again...

We can't keep up with all the review requests...

This time: we need someone who has done at least a couple of reviews already... who can start soon, and possibly do several reviews at 1 time.


Why not more reviewers with one review each instead of many at the same time with burnout included?

Yes, that could possibly be okay.

It's up to the reviewer how many they can handle.

We also see it happening, that flashlights don't arrive within 1 or even 2 months.. and people still want to work on reviews while waiting. So, ideally you'll have some on the way, and work on some.

Still open... we need native English speakers with at least a bit of review experience.

If nothing else, thanks for bumping this thread so I got to read this brilliant reply :laughing:

hahahaha.. no worries..

If anybody just want to be a backup reviewer, you're also welcome...

Summer is approaching.
And we are looking for some help.

Are you interested in becoming a 1Lumen reviewer? Even as a backup? And are you located in the USA?

Feel free to fill out the following form: