Emisar D3AA is available now

My normal questions don’t apply, since you’re you and you know better. However, could you post the firmware version? My understanding is a 15-click from off should blink it out in YYYY-MM-DD format (though I don’t own anything with a new enough version to do this).

It sounds like the sensor may need to be calibrated. Have you tried doing a factory reset with the light at room temperature?

It also sounds like the battery might be getting overloaded and shutting down until it cools off. Something is causing it to disconnect power, wait, then reconnect power.

I don’t know for sure that’s what is happening, but the issues described could be caused by bad calibration and a cell which isn’t strong enough to sustain full power. Recalibrating it could probably fix one issue and avoid the other.

Oh no! It looks like I waited too long to place my order… patiently waiting to see if it comes back.


Interesting. I have recalibrated it at RT and also factory resetting.
Tried 30°C room temp calibration setting with 40°C limit, light still gets roasting hot & shuts off.

Cells I have used are brand new Shockli 1100 mAh 18350, Vapcell 1100mAh 18350, Sanyo GA 18650 and 30Q. The GA is new, 30Q quite old.

I did consider it may be the cells but doubt it with the same behaviour with all even at only 5A current draw.

Awaiting Hanks response.

I’m glad I got the 16x 2200K mule. It’s a good amount below the BBL. Every batch is different. The next batch might not be as good.

Yup, sounds like you tried all the right things.

Does it otherwise work? Like, if you set the ceiling to full power, can it ramp all the way up and back down normally? I wonder if it could have a broken chip letting power through even when it’s told not to.

Yes the light works perfectly otherwise as far as I can tell.
Original ramp limit, double click turbo, setting ramp at max etc.
I only realized something was wrong after a while when I decided to check how the thermal stepdown would perform and found the new shutoff feature.

Not sure what’s wrong with it. I tested that firmware version, but only with aluminum. I don’t have a titanium model to test.

Results looked like this:

I’m guessing the titanium and copper version might ramp down a little slower since copper takes longer to get thermally saturated, but it may end up stabilizing at a lower point since titanium isn’t very good at shedding heat.

Anyway, whatever it’s doing, your KR4 behaves in a way I haven’t seen before. Overheating suggests it’s failing to regulate down for some reason… and then the shutoff, delay, and boot-up blink suggest power is getting interrupted while it’s hot. But I don’t know why or how.

The closest issues I’ve seen are:

  • Some K1 12V drivers have blinked off and on while hot, if the boost chip isn’t heat sinked quite right or if the thermal limit is set too high. This is because of the boost chip’s built-in protection shutting it off.
  • I have a particular 26650 battery which makes my D4S runtime tests go crazy. The battery overheats and then causes output to jump around wildly.

I’m not sure if the KR4 has any chips onboard which would cut power when hot… I haven’t managed to cause that to happen even if I keep activating turbo manually to keep output higher than it should be.

D4V2 Brass is now D4V2 CuZn, according to the writing on the tailcap. I like it.

I wonder if D4V2 Ti is now D4V2 CuTi.

Thanks for your input, here’s some additional information.

Ok, so another quirk happened, the light refused to change between stepped & ramped output modes and would not reset via the 13H method, I had to use the tailcap version to reset it after a couple of attempts.

I did some runtime tests at various outputs after resetting the light to factory settings.
It does seem to ramp down but then just cuts off within a minute.

Hank has replied to my email and asked me to return the light which I will do.

Bummer, always happens when you REALLY are looking forward to something - I’m sure Hank will sort it though, he is for sure one of the ‘good’ guys out there.

A question for any new KR4 Ti owners out there. Does yours have a slight gap between the copper head and body tube? As shown in the photo, mine is tightened down all the way and still has a gap. The titanium can be seen reflecting light inside the gap. I’ve tried without a battery and it’s the same. There seems to be less of a gap when using a 18350 tube, but still there. I wonder if the light’s tolerances were created with anodized aluminum and not compensated for the non-coated copper? It doesn’t affect the function of the light, but it might trap debris in the gap. I might end up 3D printing a gasket to bridge the area.

Mine has a slight gap, but not as big as yours.

My brand new D4V2 CuZn E21A 2200K has a weird issue.

Sometimes, but not always, main emitters stay on even after I turn off the flashlight. They are at a level somewhat higher than moonlight. I don’t know how to trigger this issue yet. It happened on its own after I did not use the flashlight for a few minutes. Once it happens, simply using the flashlight or disconnecting the battery does not make this issue go away. It does somehow go away on its own.

I have seen it both start and stop happening while I was not using the flashlight or pressing the button. It was turned off.
Reset does not fix it.
It happens regardless of the level the flashlight was ramped to before it was turned off.
It happens with all aux led settings.
Even using manual lockout and turning the tailcap, pressing the button to make sure battery was disconnected, and then undoing the lockout doesn’t make it go away.
Everything else seems to work fine.

Hm, dang. Above issues CRX and lightdecay are experiencing made me check my “old” D4V2 Ti and Br and both after some time have a glitch like lightdecay explained.

Both turn emitters on level above moonlight...

How the hell i missed that before :/

Thank you!

Just to clarify, the issue is that main emitters never turn off unless battery power is disconnected, but otherwise the flashlight works fine. They are brighter than the lowest possible moonlight level is, but not very bright.

That is exactly what i have on first released D4V2 Titanium and brass...

Maybe Hank just ran out of 2200K E21A emitters. Maybe he just purchased a small number of them expecting sales to be very small. In any event, I’m very happy I purchased mine when I did. I love the 2200K KR-4.

My flashlight is working fine right now. Due to intermittent nature of the problem it is most likely not firmware related. I think it could be a minor short. Does anyone know if lube conducts electricity? I wonder if I should try cleaning the driver with isopropyl alcohol.