[Closed] Sofirn C01S with Nichia E21A 98CRI R9050/9080

Interested in one of each: 3.500K and 4.500K

I would probably buy two or three, either 3.500 or 4.500.


Interested in 1 × 2000K 1 × 4500K


1 × 2000K
1 × 3500K

3500k ×1

I would take one in 4500k and one in 3500k.

I am way in on a 2000K. I would also take at least one of the 3500K if that happens.

I am pretty much always interested in the following. Feel free to contact me for any interest drives, group buys, etc.:

- Pretty tints at temperatures under 4500K

- No mode memory (prefer to start in low)

- No PWM

  • Runs on Eneloops

1x 2000K please!

1x 2000K
1x 4500K

2000K is unique and 4500K to compare against the famous 219B sw45k.

I voted same in the other thread as well.

Would really appreciate the ability to buy replacement lenses or include a lens along with the light.

Sounds good, I am interested

1 × 2000K
1 × 3500K
1 × 4500K

thank you

Put me down for 3 x 3500K. Thanks!

Please add 1x3500K and 2x4500K to my original request of 1x4500K (post #1672259)
Thank You

I voted for 3500K + 4500K but would much prefer 3000K (hopefully R9080).


would be intrested in a 4500k or 5000k if possible

Interested in 2000K + 4500K to start with.

If they work well i’ll certainly order more.

Somewhat off topic: i was very pleased when Sofirn offered a non anodized version but for some reason it tends to collect dust and dirt very easily, probably because of the combination of fine knurling and bare Al.

I would be interested in at least 2 at 4500.

Interested in 2000k and 4500!

Two units of 4500K

Please add firefly mode,it’s important for AAA light.
On night it’s useful for small inspect.

2x4500K, maybe 1x2000K