What type of light would you like the next BLF Special Edition to be? As in developed by us over a year or so from scratch.... like it used to be

Option 1: I am for a head tourch as well. Pure flood for close up work, maybe with a”turbo” option for a bit of wall of light. Singld cell - 18650. Since its for close up work, something with high CRI and good realistic colors. Multi emitter with high CRI. Either with no reflector, or one that shapes the beem to like 90° +/-. No intense spot. ToyKeeper mentioned E21A emitters. I heard those have good colors.

Option 2: Similar headtorch as one, but with some form of focusable reflector/lense setup. Maybe some form of zoomie. Or some new interedting form. Something good for close pure flood work, that can be switched and turned into focuse beam. Maybe a magnetic snap on attachment that turns the flood torch into a more focused one? Maybe there could be interchangable reflectors and filters for multi purpose head tourch

I’d love to have a KR3 using the latest Andúril software, with 3 primary and 6 secondary LEDs, in 14500 flavor.

I’m seeing a lot of suggestions for an edc. SC64 with ramping. As support with ramping. Agree, an current BLF version of an every day light.

mixed tints LED, I want to make one

Can’t believe we already found a manufacturer. Thanks, Manker :wink:

just kidding, but it would be great if Manker would produce a light for us. as diffuse as the ideas look at the moment.

There is the YLP Unicorn… I hear it’s pretty good. The main downsides are no moon mode, and the configuration can be pretty complex if you choose to edit the advanced settings. But the output adjustment is completely smooth, and from what I’ve heard, it has the best thermal regulation in the flashlight world.

I’ve been meaning to get one and make a FSM-based Unicorn UI, but I’ve been too busy with other things.

A headlamp with automatic dimming based on a feedback photo sensor. Perceived light level is always the same close up or far away.

Dont make something slightly better than another light already on the market, go for something revolutionary.

I did publish a concept a few months ago.

Isn’t that covered by a Surefire patent?

I couldn’t find any information on a patent, the idea seems pretty obvious, although people have patented obvious ideas in the past. I know bushnell makes a headlight with that feature but it’s only 250 lumens. Who even needs to dim a 250 lumen headlight?

Looks like several companies make headlamps with that feature, but none of them are quality units.

Headlamp 14500/AA ramping UI with sub lumen, Red aux leds.
Small Double switch Flashlight with unique features.

I like it :+1: . Would heat be an issue with so many LEDs though?

Oh, the number of LEDs isn’t for brightness… it’s more for the beam pattern and possibly for tint ramping. The idea would be to use a regulated driver with a sane power level, not a direct-drive FET. I’m not terribly fond of wearing pocket rockets on my head.

One model could tint ramp between warm and cool CCTs… and another model could “beam ramp” between flood and throw. But both would still need reasonable power levels instead of running extremely hot.

T shaped headlamp with 2-8emitters and with tint ramping sounds great,
Adaptive and steering responsive for biking would be perfect

On another note, 2020 model should include a probe that will be scanning asymptomatic bypassers and check their tenperature, an perhaps even an Antiviral beam, that can incapacitate any novel pathogens within 6 feet .

Also an interesting option. I hope the project will work out and the fashion for flashlights of this shape will begin.

I was thinking of Surefire IntelliBeam, but that it’s patented is hearsay (different forum). Not going through their countless patents.

I like their slogan A Flashlight That’s Smarter than You. :smiling_imp:
That just shows what kind of people they are marketing to. Door kicking furious viagra salesmen.

I think Cadillacs have intelli beam as well. Which could be realated to Hella Intellibeam

Im thinking a tint shifting multi emitter light like the Sofirn IF25.
Perhaps E21a based, the obvious firmware but most importantly, a proper efficient buck/boost driver or similar.

I really think if we were able to get 8 x E21a of say 4500k & 2700k with a decent 5A driver it would be something very special that EVERYONE would want at least one of. The rosy tint would be amazing, almost everyone could be happy with the CCT and the output would actually be decent. If we can get a highly efficient driver into it, it wouldnt need to be “THAT” big to sustain a couple of amps and turbo to 5, assuming we arent dumping the excess voltage out in heat like normal.

Ive reflowed different 219b 9080 emitters onto my IF25 and its an amazing concept i truly think people would enjoy having if they saw it in action. The driver is terrible though.

I am waiting for a SBT90.2 behind a TIR lens like the MC13 and L17 use. A single 21700 cell easy carry with high output and incredible rang like 2000 meters :smiley: Could a flashlight like this be made or is the 90.2 just to much power to focus at a distance of 2000 meters in a smallish frame? I am really liking the small pocketable super flooders and throwers. I ordered the XT45 last week, which is my first 90.2 flashlight, and have plans to also get the MC13, L17, NI40, NSX4 and the X9L. I like the small hotrod lights. I have had my NSX3 for a while now using the 40T and Molicel which was great and then I got the 30T’s two days ago and the flashlight WOKE UP! It’s incredible how far flashlight technology has come since I joined BLF in 2017. How far can we push size power and range? I love this site but my wife hates it lol. The future looks bright :smiley:

I mean, for brief periods of time, you can give it as much power as your cell will deliver. 30T probably does alright for short bursts. I’m not sure if the range would be better than CULNM1.TG/CULPM1.TG though, and those are at much more sustainable currents. It’s just pencil-beam vs. 5000 lumens.