Cats claw sounds like it does the trick for you. I will give it a try. Is this what you are using?

Not that one :wink:

“Full Spectrum” is just a way of saying, “non-extracted; but just the ground up herb.” In other words, if it doesn’t say “standardized” it can be whatever. But standardized herbs are guaranteed in potency meaning they are tested and blended to a “standard” potency level.

Here is the only one they have right now:

They don’t seem to list a house brand in a standardized Cats Claw, but usually they do in most herbs they sell. The tinctures have really come down in price lately, you might instead go that route. Tinctures are (almost) always as good (or better) than the pills.

Swanson has been at it a long time and I find they will put some pricey stuff up, but they will always have a standardized version (if not their own brand). Yes… they sell some “hokey” stuff too. But for the price they are better than most.

I always load up on at least the free shipping deal (around $50 usually, with 30% off to boot right now). I take a few vitamins and other herbs you can buy here really cheap too (like liquid Vitamin B Complex). Another great herb BOTH my wife and I take religiously is milk thistle:

Milk thistle is THE liver protector and the bottle above doesn’t say “standardized” but it is 80% silymarin (which is a good rating). As we enjoy alcohol socially and wine with most dinners, it can’t hurt! But seriously, when you use any new herbs it’s always good to toss in milk thistle to protect the liver. If you want something for the spleen you can go with red root (or poke root) too.

We also take Lions Mane (no standardization needed with mushrooms- they are all parts “potent” BUT there are extract ratings instead). But the Swanson’s brand is fine- I checked it out. Some good, solid studies show it’s a great way to keep the brain tickin’ and avoid late life dementia/Alzheimers. If you REALLY want to go down the rabbit hole— check out a guy named Paul Stamets. He has a few Joe Rogan podcasts appearances worth a long afternoon if you’d like to (maybe) become a believer— I am.

BTW: I order maybe $200 a year in herbs TOTAL for my Lyme AND my wife’s standard daily protocols. Once you KNOW what you need (taking years to figure out), you don’t need to pay for MORE yellow pee! But this short list above is what you might consider if you wanted to try some different stuff to use with your Cats Claw and they will help it work while keeping your system flowing and protected.

- and you can save 30% plus free shipping if you order $50! That’s a decent deal from them. PM me if you want more info- glad to share what I know!


Thanks for your advice. I think I will start with the cats claw first and see how it goes. My main issue is my hip pain. Other places the pain comes and goes but the hip is steady. Trying my hardest to avoid western medicine. I know they would have me getting a replacement in a flash. That will be the last straw.

Well, IF there is bone degeneration, I doubt you’ll ever get complete relief on a permanent basis. My wife has a hip socket issue where she’ll always have some minor pain in there. However, as long as she keeps up the daily PT and a good herbal regiment, she doesn’t have “noticeable” pain MOST times (which varies from person-to-person, with age, etc… as we all know).

Just to say, it’s not just a pill though… and even just some good stretching really helps to get blood in places it needs to get to do the healing, and help maintain natural occurring pain. I get my “stretching” with a 1/2 acre farm (all organic) during summer, and hunting ALL winter. My issue is gout— and I had to learn over a few years how to manage it. And I also admit: Allopurinol (an old pill from the 60s) makes a great “crutch” when that shit hit’s me. I pop them twice daily for a few days and stop with beer/steaks— but JUST for those FEW days mind you! :blush:

Hope the cats claw helps!

I hate to workout in any form but PT is in my future I guess. Anyway, cats claw is on it’s way. Found the same product on Amazon for a little less since I have free shipping. I didn’t want to commit to a $50 order with Swanson just yet. I have no idea what my hip joint is doing as I have not had a MRI yet. I am waiting for things to settle down with covid before going into the “system”. Thanks for the help Zappaman.

As I am sure you know, before taking any new supplement, herb, etc., I think it’s a good idea to make sure it is compatible with your diet, medications, and other supplements you might be taking, as well as any medical conditions. Any new substance introduced into the body can have negative consequences that have to be weighed along with the possible good it could do.

That is good advice. Mixing anything is a gamble. Part of the trouble with preservatives and insecticides and herbicides is a small dose of this mixes with a small dose of that. All combinations can not be tested. I did a quick look at cats claw and it seems pretty safe and I don’t take any other medications. It is worth a try.

CBD is everywhere in my state (WA) for creams, oils, pills, etc. since recreational marijuana is legal to buy and grow for personal use. Does it work? I say yes, to a point. I had a friend with a foot issue and brfore the operation to correct it was having chronic pain. He started vaping cbd and it worked better for than taking opiates (vicodin, percocet). I know someone else who infuses cbd oil in Bugles (the snack) and eats the to help with anxiety and insomnia and it works great, better than smoking weed and getting high all the time or taking hypnotic meds and SSRI’s that cause a lot of side effects. You can’t remove all of the THC from marijuana, but enough so that you don’t stoned. I never used CBD, so I can’t say for sure.

there are many causes of arthritis, i would not expect cbd to do much unless it is psychomatic.
it will not fix bone spurs, or grinding, for sure

if it is nerve induced, possibly

maybe try it if you can stand losing the money and still having the problems


The CBD rubs are mixed with a lot of other known anti inflammatory herbs so it does some good.

so you can;t tell what works and what doesn;t

Correct, as long as something in it is working I’m ok with that. Of course I’m always looking for something better as everything only helps marginally. My future MRI will tell more. Freezing works good too but hips aren’t easy to ice well. My one ankle was hurting me 3 years ago and I was told to get it scraped out. Daily 20 minute soaks in ice water and nice thick merino wool blend socks kept me out of surgery. The hip issue has been around for at least 2 years now so I am running out of alternative remedies.

Most medical folks may recommend cortisone shots as a treatment in the interim for your condition, but those bring their own (often nasty) side effects. Medical science is about balancing the good a therapy does vs the possible side effects. Is it helping more than hurting? methodology. Personally, I’ve been on both emds and I’m alive today due to that methodology (invasive brainstem surgery to remove a tumor). I’m alive and doing significantly better than they expected, but still suffered greatly due to side effects and complications. 3 years recovery It’s better than being dead though. I will say that my recovery was remarkable and unexpected. I was expected to be severely handicapped or have significant deficits (if I lived). I guess they figured it was a risk worth taking.

Glad to hear you came through all that. Sounds like an ordeal. :+1:

I use CBD for migraine pain and it helps quite well. It usually depends on how bad the migraine attack is but for normal migraine the CBD helps. I use CBD powder (from amazon) which I think is the best and easiest way to use it because you can decide how much you want and you can easily mix it into food oder drinks. I put it into my tea and that works very well.

If you don’t want any THC in your system….

I am no expert, but this is wildly inaccurate at best, and I think it odd no one in the thread corrected this. I think you may be confusing CBD and THC with indica vs sativa strains of cannabis.

CBD and THC are two among quite a large number of cannabinoids found in cannabis. CBD has analgesic effects… it is not something that you want a lot of if you are using recreationally, too much is really not a good time at all, but it does have medicinal purposes otherwise used in measure. THC gets you high, and can certainly help with pain, but THC is not exactly a pain killer nor analgesic… with enough of it, you simply no longer care about the pain.

And not all strains will be burdened with paranoia. Too much of anything is a bad idea, and the drive to increase THC to insane levels has already killed, unfortunately. Some people just have no restraint. A little THC is pleasant, a little more makes you high, even more makes you stoned, and going beyond intoxication with it is simply idiotic.

There are really a lot of cannabinoids and terpenes. Hopefully, someday, science will figure them all out… check links above for descriptions of the more well known ones.

Any opinions as to topicals vs oils vs gummies in regard to a arthritic hip? Oil is the only one I have not tried. Topicals and gummies are helpful but not 100%.

CBD for sure brings out the spam bots, it’s interesting how they join a flashlight forum and wait for months lurking in the shadows… just waiting and then BAM spam some links.
Crafty level 7/10

Whatabout Kraton? Everyone in my gym seems to be taking it for joint pain.