Looking for reclining office/gaming chair with footrest

I'm 6' 0", and weigh 180 pounds.

I have kyphosis (hunchback), and if I didn't, maybe I'd be 6' 3".

The skunk chair is supposed to come today, but tracking hasn't been updated since it shipped a couple of days ago.

Most of the GTRACING chairs look pretty similar--I just liked the armrests on this one.



I'm hoping this skunk chair will replace a recliner that's falling apart, and an office chair.

I keep on switching back and forth between the recliner and office chair, and it'd be nice if one chair did the job of both.



Also, I might be getting a beach towel to put on the skunk chair if I don't like how the fake leather feels.

I already have a seat cushion that I put on chairs to offer a bit more comfort.

The skunk chair is being sent via FedEx.

It was supposed to be here on Tuesday, so I messaged the Amazon seller.

They said that FedEx can only send so many items per day, so there may be a 5-7 day delay.


I looked for gaming chairs on Amazon at any price.

I couldn't find one that appeals to me and has better feedback than the one that I ordered, which surprised me.

Maybe Amazon isn't the best place to shop for gaming chairs?

I'm hoping that I'll like the skunk chair and it'll last a few years.

Then I can replace it with something that doesn't exist yet, and is more durable.

Have you considered Herman Miller and Steelcase Leap V2 (Youtube review and comparison?) These two are popular but rather expansive.
I got a refurbished Leap V2 cheap (~$220) from local secondhand office furniture store.
I specifically looked for these secondhand office furniture stores, they often acquire large amount of high end office chairs from closed businesses. Since the chairs are coming from conference rooms, they are usually in good conditions and I can worry less about indirectly touching someone else’s ass or genital. :wink:

I'm not interested in watching Youtube videos.

If you really want to help, provide a retail link to a place with a bunch of customer reviews.

Also, I'm not interested in buying used, and I don't think I can afford those chairs new.

I would be willing to go as high as $300 for a brand new chair that fits what I want.

Just trying to be helpful. I understand that used furniture may not be acceptable to everyone.
I thought the Herman Miller and Steelcase Leap V2 are worth mentioning because they represent the medium-high end products in the “ergonomic chairs” market, which gave me an overall idea of what features to expect in a good chair.
But all of that are just talking theories, I think the most important thing in picking a long-term chair is to try it out in person first to make sure you like it.
When I was doing my chair research 2 years ago, I heard good things about IKEA “markus” chairs which fits your price range. If you don’t like your current order, you may also consider checking that out.

Ikea Markus doesn't have a footrest.

I can tell by reading customer reviews if a chair is something that I might like, but trying it out in person would be a nice option to have after I read the reviews.

By the way, although I like the padded armrests in the OP, I can live with other types of armrests if they are done right, and I can get pads for hard plastic armrests.

I know you're trying to be helpful, but I have to point exactly what I'm looking for (and not looking for) so that people can be even more helpful.

And by assisting me in narrowing things down further, you are succeeding in being helpful.

I see that I got too carried away by my own taste when replying to your post, and missed the important criteria you have stated. Sorry about that.

No problem!

You did help me quite a bit.

So I did more online browsing.

I checked Amazon for office chairs and gaming chairs at any price.

There are very few office chairs with a footrest like I'm looking for, so I checked Walmart, Target, Office Depot, and Best Buy for gaming chairs.

(I already checked Staples.)

I didn't find anything that I was looking for.

By the way, Amazon seems to be the best place to shop for gaming chairs, if you're going for sheer selection.

The chair that appeals to me the most is the one I ordered.


Also, I forgot to mention:

I want a chair with wheels and adjustable height.

I checked Overstock for gaming chairs.

I didn't find anything I like.

I received the skunk chair today.

It took me an hour and ten minutes to put it together.

I was taking my time and looking at the instructions a lot.

It came with a lot of pieces to put together, and it intentionally came with some spare parts.

I was able to put it together correctly on my first attempt, but it was much more difficult than when I put my office chairs together.

I've only been sitting in it for a few minutes, but it seems decent.

I don't think I'm going to try to return it.

Despite calling it a "skunk chair", luckily it doesn't stink.

It seems to be made of quality materials, though I don't know how long it'll last.

I'm hoping that the next time I'm looking for a chair, I can find an office chair with a footrest.

That is a very rare feature (right now) in office chairs.


By the way, the chair is not made for people with wide hips.

I'm kinda skinny, and I fit in it fine, but I could see how it would be a problem for wider people, even if they weigh less than 300 pounds.

By the way, the support/cushioning seems much better than my office chair.

I mean, the office chair cost only $50-$60, and this gaming chair was about $150, but it is a nice improvement.

If you did return it, would you have to disassemble it ? Doesn’t seem feasible.

I think I could disassemble it if I needed to, but I really don't want to.

The chair seems nice enough to keep so far.

Good luck with it.

I read a lot of customer reviews on Amazon for gaming chairs, and I read a lot of horror stories, so I'm very glad that so far I can live with this chair.

I received a PM from G0OSE in which he recommended this back cushion for chairs:


I thought that was excellent advice, but that particular item isn't available on American Amazon.

That is not a problem because I prefer to do my own research, and I picked out a similar product:


The item I picked out is way pricier, but it had the best feedback on Amazon for a "two pack" so I'm okay with it.

I really don't know what I would do without Amazon.

They're great for customer reviews, and sometimes they have the best price as well.