【convoy】H4 and B35AM options are updated

Anduril/Anduril 2 isn’t going to happen based on current history. Simon’s driver manufacturer wants to obfuscate hardware used, and the license for Anduril won’t allow that.

Anduril might be popular with flashlight enthusiasts, but for many it is over complicated and confusing. Whilst I like it, I’ve had a lot of complaints from other light painting photographers who purchased FW series lights and just can’t get the grips with it, or have managed to change the config/get stuck in wrong mode. Not everyone likes ramping either, and I preferred the choice of mode groups in Narsil.

I quite like Biscotti, though would prefer a 10Hz strobe instead of the alternating frequency strobe which killed off sales of the S2+ to light painting photographers.

I like biscotti as well, but i really miss the previous mode select which the BLF A6 has.
For now we can only select next mode.

Please incorporate previous mode in biscotti

Wow! Even better than the 2000K E21A for inducing sleep! I wish a flashlight manufacturer makes a light with this emitter.

Find a different, more open minded driver manufacturer willing to work with the proper microcontrollers. It's accessible and its all what it takes!

Can still see a “blue peak” in it LoL! :-D

Agreed :wink:

That sounds pretty good.

What do You think about 2x21700 flashlights like Fenix LR35R?
I think it would be great compromise between size&weight and runtime&power.
I would love to see a Convoy flashlight like this.


I will ask Sofirn what they think about making a HighCRI COB flashlight. The biggest challenge will be finding/developing a suitable driver. What voltage does it use, 40V? I remember VOB once built a BLF GT with a COB LED, using a 40V driver with a potentiometer.

Biscotti has last mode memory. If you turn it off on 35, then when you turn it back on it will be on 35 which is how mode memory should work. The older S2+ 3/5 mode interface had an annoying mode memory timer, which meant it often advanced modes when you didn’t want it to.

I do not honestly know what voltage do these employ, but since they likely are 10S emitters their Vf will be somewhere between the mid 20s to high 30s V depending on current load.

To better know this and many other relevant things some CoB emitter test is required. I would likely buy some and send them to djozz (if he is willing to test them, hope he is - will ask him via p.m.) or maybe maukka, I've done stuff like this in the past too (for example I finally bought Henrik these newer higher density 26700 LiFePO4 cells for review, their test result should be up soon). However doing it just by myself gives me the creeps, mostly because my health needs to receive my scarce funds and my bank account regularly hovers in the low two figures…

In any case, we need to attract the attention of some to decide what to test, gather whatever funds to buy the emitters, buy and send them to our reviewer.

They have all sorts of of CCTs, a few sizes and many power ratings. The categories to check, firstly Sunlight spectrum, and probably at least some test in Full Spectrum.

I was referring to the previous mode, not mode memory.
Previous mode makes it possible to enter the previous mode, which is impossible now since we can only select next mode.

Bistro UI has it by using a half press for 1 second (someone correct me if I’m wrong)

So basically i am asking for an updated Biscotti, but i’m not sure if it will be possible on the Atmel Attiny which is used, maybe the Attiny 85 only has enough resources.

There is no reason to want a COB in a flashlight, for all possible purposes a powerled makes more sense, even when pure flood is the goal. (there was a thread about it)

Yeh, my Cometa has that. Called “medium-press”, oddly enough. Dunno what “long-press” would be, then.

Thanks for paying attention, djozz.

Still, I feel curious with respect to taking a nice look at the performace and output of these.

Interestingly the LumeCube 2.0 uses a COB for a very smooth floody beam.

Asked maukka about making some sunlight spectrum CoB led review. Guess he will say something in a while.

I understand they may not break any luminous intensity record. However, with a decent sized reflector they will still be suitable for short range lighting, at the very least.

I asked four of the sunlight spectrum 1414 COBs for review.

1700K https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000785096259.html
3000K https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000784938078.html
4000K https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33041200634.html
5000K https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32957085202.html

C8+ with KR CSLNM1.23
output current 2.5A

Simon, can I have S21B with CULPM1.TG and 12 groups 6A driver? How to order it?