M4D M4X deals - Astrolux WP1 and WP2 LEP

whats the password? im interested in the rovyvons!

the coupon has expired

which deal are you reffering to?

ROVYVON Aurora A5x GITD 650Lumen EDC

thanks - i let them fis it asap

same as a7x, also expired

yeah - i disable them for now

When did the GT nano get released?

Oct 15th

the RovyVon code has been fixed

Hiya Martin, I’m interested in the Rovyvons!

I’m interested in the Rovyvons!

Hi, I’m interested in the Rovyvons also

Ordered a Rovyvon.

Thanks M4d M4x!!!

hi i’m interested in the Rovyvons. thanks.

PMs sent

Password pls :+1: ROVYVON´s needs a home

Hi Martin
do you have deals for Magicshine bike lights? I would be interested in that. Please PM me if you have them. Thanks

i can ask them
send ma a email which you are interested in

Thanks for the pm!