Emisar D3AA is available now

Is D4V2 Ti no longer available? The page does not work.

Appears to still be available here - https://www.noctigon.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=56

I just noticed that there are different colors of LEDs available for the backlight on the switch. Does anybody have any pics? Would love to see the red…

The website appears to be down - https://intl-outdoor.com


This website has been suspended.

Please contact the technical support department.

https://www.noctigon.com is still up.

The website seems ok to me.

Working fine for me, although I did have that happen to me about a week ago.

Wondering if it’s blocked in UK or you’re cached??

I seem to get that every now and then. Along with lights disappearing from the LED Flashlights page and coming back a day later :wink:


They might look like this?

works for me too…maybe hank banned you :wink:

Last time the site was suspended for others it worked for me on my phone but I also got the “Suspended” message when I tried a different Internet connection. It seems work fine on different connections now though…

What’s the best setup for the copper d4v2? I have the yellow d4v2 with 4500k and raised button edge and silver bezel. Love it.

Does the copper also have the same aux led options?

Any pics of the button light?

dude… i couldn’t relate more! I just bought my first d4v2 in brass with osram w2… cost me $100. that was 3 weeks ago and now im probably buying the copper. and if Hank ever comes out with kr4 brass and copper i’m definitely buying one of those. And i am buying the k1 in green body. and i already have 5 emisar / noctigon lights. Hank is KILLING ME

^ Hank, PLEASE do KR4 in copper. Please. KR4 is my favorite light i own of many. Not that i need another light but id buy it.

I just snagged a 5th D18 because…well, deep red emitters.

Hank’s business is a masterwork of healthy addiction creation.

If we ask nicely can we get the D4V2 in green?

Green emitter or tube?

Green anodization, like Noctigon K1 or Emisar D4SV2.

Emisar D4 with green anodization was my favorite.

+ green switch and KP CSLNM1.F1 LEDs to be completely green :smiley:

That’s a phosphor-converted green led: it looks green, but you can still see other colors.

If you really want to go all-in on green, I recommend XP-E2 Green 520nm with the 7.5A CC driver.

I wanted a monochromatic green led, so in my last Hank order I got a custom D4V2 with it. It is less powerful, but I like the green color a lot more.