[Black Friday Deal]Sofirn Aliexpress Store~Deal price for all products

CIR27BIKCIX4 15% off code for those new release models:


thank you, used one

btw, i noticed that some prices are different on mobile app compared to desktop, why is that?

Because it is…that way, most of prices are lower in the App! In most of the stores, maybe not in all, though…

damn it! i placed 2 orders on web before i realized that…

LAST 6 hours

Any more codes left?

Last hour of 11.11 Deal

for what models

Black Friday soon! :beer:

IF25A on AliExpress? :innocent:

Aliexpress Black Friday Deal on 23-27,Nov

welcome to sofirn official store:

Code update:(valid from 23,nov)

coupons,code and bundle discount could be used too .

extra coupon will ready for followers.
$3 unlimit code 50 pieces :BQLQDN2UK2HS
$5 unlimit code 30 pieces: 1TXN2WGD2R11
15% off code 100 pieces (MTBT015BARHA) for new release at that date
(Work for SC01, SC07, SP35,C8K, SP31UV,C8S,WKC05, FC11,DL30.)
Remark "Alisofirn" when you order Sofirn SP32V2.0, FC11, SC31 PRO, SP10S,SP32A , will get a free diffuser, the warehouse only send diffuser when see the remark under order!
$3 unlimit code 50 pieces :BQLQDN2UK2HS
$5 unlimit code 30 pieces: 1TXN2WGD2R11

Starts in 1 hour 47 minutes? :stuck_out_tongue:

Used 1TXN2WGD2R11 for IF25A 4000K with 21700 battery. Thanks Jackie! :slight_smile:

Thanks Jackie!! :partying_face:

I’m sitting this one out since I did lots of flashlight-buying on 11.11. But thanks for sharing all those coupon codes, Jackie!

$3 unlimit code 50 pieces :BQLQDN2UK2HS still valid

Any deals for orders from sofirnlight.com? :innocent:

$5 code not working anymore :frowning:

Any cyber Monday deals?