Challenge: most ridiculous advertised lumens (current record 99.9 trillion lumens)

Looks like a rewrap of this cell which HJK rated “very bad”. Harsh judgement if you ask me, because it delivers a whopping 45 mAh at 5 amps :slight_smile:
The brand name is the best of it all. In my language GIF means poison :slight_smile:


Here are some more 12000 mAh 18650s:
(EDIT: Removed the link, because apparently “No need to link to horseshit” hehe)

Dutch detected! :wink:


Interested. Can you get get an 18350 tube for this light?

But assuming it doesn’t explode in a fireball when I turn it on, when my idiot neighbor saw it he’d have to get one too and I’m afraid he’d set my house on fire trying to see in my teenage daughter’s window.

On the plus side, it probably would stun your attacker. I know I’d sure be stunned if the person standing in front of me suddenly combusted in a thunderous explosion.

Life time warranty? I guess they mean user life?….

There’s a new winner from r/flashlight Reddit - Dive into anything


It hurts my eyes to even look at the picture.

Its funny how the Chinese companies rip the designs off of other Chinese companies. You would think they would at least be respectful to each other. That last one looks a lot like a Sofirn.

Hell, I got a sunburn from looking at the ad.

Slathering on the Noxzema as I’m typing this…

cant figure out how i missed the lumen calculation of the sun.
posted this and 2 more pages showed up.

Don't forget, it's the upgraded 2021 version if you want the full 125 billion lumens, not the 2020 version

Good point. If you order this and it only looks like 99 million lumens then they probably tried to use up old stock and gave you last year’s model.

You can double check with an integrating sphere: turn the flashlight on and point it at the sphere from 6ft and make sure the sphere has evaporated fully.

That’s not bad, 999 billion lumens from a Xml-2 emitter… I’ll have to pick one up for taking out the trash at night.

Oh, and the new 50,000 mah 18650’s ar out. Awesome!

The other one has an XHP120 though…this is a tough choice.

Well lucky for you, I’ve got just what you need…It also comes in 2 pcak so you get twice the output!

The only thing better than 8 minute abs is 7 minute abs.