FREEME ✌ ASTROLUX FT02S 4*SST40 / XHP50.2 26650/21700 USB-C Flashlight Group Buy - Ended

Sst40 in green :slight_smile:


And ordered! Thanks!

Can i get a coupon?


Interested in the XHP50.2 5700K. Please send me the coupon.

Price on the XHP50.2 5700k? I thought the 3v 50.2 only came in 6000-7000k?

Interested. Thank you!

I was told that they managed to secure some. You can preorder 5700K now but i do not know how much longer it will be available.

I’ve ordered a green sst40. Thanks!

Interested for SST40

Code please for green 50.2

May I have coupon code for two green SST40 and two sand sst40? Thanks.

Green xhp ordered thanks!

Anyone have ideas how to get a pocket clip attached to this one? With EC01/EC03 for instance we could use an aftermarket clip with bolts through the lanyard holes. Not seeing an easy way for this. (Yeah I know it’s overly large for a pocket clip, but that’s how I like it)

Order placed for Green SST40. Thanks freeme…

Still deciding on xhp50. :) :) :slight_smile:

All replied.

Order placed for Green XHP 50.2 as well.

Decided not to get their battery, but I’m curious as to whether or not a 21700 or 26650 would be the better choice for this light. Opinions gratefully received…

Coupon please

Interested in the XHP50.2 5700K. Please send me the coupon and link.