Corona Giveaway

I’m in. Sorry to hear about the job, and I wish you the best finding another.

I’m in thanks!

If I’m hosting a giveaway can I participate in a giveaway? I could use another keychain light! I’m in!!

Hmmm corona giveaway doesn’t seem to be popular these day.

usually everyone is like

Hope this will cheer you up :smiley:

Not in due to shipping cost. My condition is same here. I hope you and rest of us who affected by this pandemic will get better soon. Thank you for the chance, Scallywag :slight_smile:

Not in . Sorry to hear the layoff . Laid off here also , but ok cause I’m gonna be able to retire next month . Hope you get an even better rehire !

Update: I’ve accepted a job offer, finally after all this time. I’m expecting to start on/around the 22nd so I’ll leave the entries open until my first day.

Congrats! Just in time for the holidays!

Edit: I’m in. just for clarification.

Thanks for the GAW
Glad you got some good karma with your GAW
Enjoy your new gig
I all in for the giveaway

Congratulations on your new job. It’s never too late for a fresh start.

For the record, I’m still NOT in. Only wanted to congratulate.

Great news! I am very happy for you!

I am NOT in as I honestly don!t need another keychain light.

Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations on the new job. Please count me in. Thanks!

Congratulations on the new job!
Thanks for the giveaway, and please count me in.

I am NOT in, but I’m glad you have a job now :wink:
Good luck :+1: :wink:

Happy you found work . Wish you the best ! :+1:

Nice, Scally, congrats! Hope the new job treats you well.

Same as the others, I’m NOT in.

Awesome and glad to hear! Hope it’s better than the last one!

Giveaway closes at 0800 EST, which is in about 37 minutes.

1 4 Anthony Nguyenn
2 8 ch1ir
3 9 slimjim
4 11 bushmaster
5 13 turkeydance
6 15 sirstinky
7 16 SIGShooter
8 17 Th558
9 19 trakcon
10 20 mountainair26
11 21 aginthelaw
12 22 caramba
13 26 supreme
14 27 oldskol
15 30 superstocker
16 31 datiled
17 33 rdubya18
18 34 brad drawing 1-18: 11, which is post #21, aginthelaw!

And I’ve PMed the winner (: