Single AA light with only low and high and no memory

Sorry, I was talking about the stock Stainless AA driver. Sorry again if I was answering the wrong question.

Thanks. That’s what I needed to know.

Looks like a nice light. Thanks for pointing me to it.

It seems like a very nice single AA light. But it still has 3 levels and... I couldn't find it in Europe. Amazon UK seems to have it but don't want to ship it to my location. :(

Right. With they same driver (2 levels and no memory) but higher output it would be perfect!

Maybe I’m not sensitive to PWM but my example is excellent. Can’t detect it with the naked eye and my iPhone camera isn’t seeing PWM either.

Now, mode spacing leaves a lot to be desired. Low is far too bright and there is little visible difference between medium and high. Unfortunately I’ve found this to be extremely common among 1AA lights (one of the reasons I love my Ti3 AAA lights).

I still haven’t dug out my 14500s to test on li ion.

So far, the Ultratac A1 V2 and the FireFlies SS AA are the only two single AA lights I could find without memory. Unfortunately both have still 3 levels.

Thanks for pointing me to the Skilhunt M150. It's a nice light but with way too complicated electronics for what I need it. I'm looking for a simple, easy to operate but reliable AA light. The magnetic charging possibility looks like an unnecessary feature to me.

I get you!
Well, I am not sure if you will find “that” light you’re looking for.
The Olight has the specs you want, but not the body.
Besides this one, I don’t think there are other drivers available to make a reasonable Alkaline/Ni-MH light with 2 modes, no memory and decent output on high.

If instead Alkalines/Ni-MH you want to use 14500 batteries, you may take a look at this one:
Wuben E349
2 modes, tailstands, is a twisty (no switch), has usb rechargeability.

You can also check the Trustfire L2, which is compatible with 1.2V and 1.5V batteries!

Thanks again for advising the Wuben en Trustfire but for running 14500 batteries I'm going to put a LED4Power driver in my Convoy T2.

I just built a convoy T2 with the 17B boost driver from this thread. [Oshpark] HQ 15mm/17mm programmable boost driver with ATtiny13A

Not sure what your skills are but if you can assemble a driver yourself that’s a good option.

I can share firmware if you’re interested.

Ya know. If you bought a sofirn c01s and a suitable AA host, one that you could depopulate the driver or such, you could make it use the sofirn driver. 3-100 lumens. No memory.

I fear Icarus is doomed to fail, due to excessively High expectations.

there is no perfect light, and compromises need to be made somewhere

I thought post#2 nailed the 2 mode requext
but the thread shifted into 3 mode lights
and they all got shot down

Not sure about that. :) I really don't like the design of the Olight i5T EOS.

BTW, Nice image, I like it! :)

Thanks! Very interesting. I'll take a look at it. Assembling a driver should not be a problem.

Putting the driver of a Sofirn C01S into a Convoy T2 (my prefered AA host) should not be a problem if the output can be increased a bit.

I agree :slight_smile:
but it has two modes… lol

the image of the flying Greeks,
came up when I searched your handle,
I think its cool too

it is titled
The Flight of Icarus :slight_smile:

I know this story. There's a reason why I choose this nickname. ;)

I love greek mythology… thanks for the interesting google

I look forward to hearing you found a light that makes you happy, soon :slight_smile:

I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this thread. Big to all of you!

At this moment I'm leaning towards the Streamlight ProTac 1L 1AA. Most important this light can be setup with low - high, has no memory and can run on CR123, 14500 and AA (alkaline & lithium) cells. Also important I like the design, Streamlight is well known for making reliable and good quality lights and the ProTac 1L 1AA is available in Europe.

My existing Convoy T2 will get a LED4Power driver. This is by far my most favourite (highly custom configurable) lineair driver which I'm currently using in all my recently modded 1 cell lithium flashlights.

This being said I will also try to build an Oshpark HQ 17mm boost driver for the Convoy T2 host I ordered today. Thanks to Bourbon Guy for pointing me to this possibility and all the hard work done by HarleyQuin. Thanks guys!