FREEME ✌ ASTROLUX EA01 SST40 (2300lm)/ XHP50.2 (3500lm) TIR 26650/ 26350 Flashlight Group Buy - ALIVE!

Nice. Mine’s with local courier but I probably won’t see it until tomorrow. 20350’s also in transit from Vapcell

Seeing the MT04 (EA1) on Taobao, I now have a dilemma which model to choose. I like throwers with some usable spill, so any XHP50.2. models are out of question. I also prefer lights that are actually useful and have long runtime, not those “novelty items” that eat up cells in seconds. It will be either the SST40 5000K TIR version or the 4x SST20 4000K quad. Both should have tight beam, can anyone tell how good is the SST20 4000K tint at lower power levels? And what will be the runtime loss of the 4xSST20 compared to single SST40 TIR?

Dioda, these specific TIR have very little spill compared to a reflector flashlight, i’ll try to post beamshots when it’s dark tonight.

That would be great, do you have the SST40 TIR version? I saw some beamshots of the XHP50.2 TIR already, there is at least some spill, but I dont like that LED too much. Perhaps from point of throw and good usability the SST20 4000K quad might be better for my needs.

Send me one code: XHP50.2

Yep the SST40 5000k version

Cool, cant wait for the beamshots.

how do you think if your EA01 is close to the technical specifications ?

Our quick test results.

Hi Freeme, any news on the quad versions?

Ok this is what i managed to do in a hurry, manual mode, same settings for all photos, daylight white balance., all lights on turbo after 10 seconds, all toped up batteries, target was the same for all lights.

Here the difference in throw between the EA01 and EC01 SST40 doesn’t show well, i would say the EA01 has around 2x the Kcd

The lineup

EA01 SST40 vs EC01 SST40 GIF

All lights GIF


EC01 SST40

EC01 XHP50

FT03 XHP50


I need this tray, more info please!

Awesome, thanks for those beamshots ! Defintely helpful! Now is that only the ea01 sst40? You didn’t have the xhp50 in there?

No unfortunatly i don’t have one, i though that the XHP would defeat the purpose of the throwy TIR.

20350’s or 26350’s?

I’d like to get some 20350’s (for Amutorch E3S), but Vapcell doesn’t seem to have 20350’s when I last checked…

(I notice Vapcell has 26350, but rated at 6 Amp max only)

My ordered EA01 is also in transit, hopefully can expect it later this week…

So it has Anduril firmware version 2019-12-05? This would be the same firmware version as in the Astrolux FT02S.

I’m just curious why Mateminco didn’t install the latest Anduril version (for most models), which is 2020-03-18
(there are some later Anduril 1 firmware versions, but for specific models; from Toykeeper’s compiled firmware repository (.hex files), I think most models have the 2020-03-18 as latest version (unless it’s a certain newer model)…

Unprotected 26350.

IMALENT MRB-263P20 26350 is too long.

JamesB, thanks for the excellent beamshots! It seems that the SST40 TIR version still has some usable spill, as that LED is not one of the smallest ones, normally used in throwers. Do you think it would fare well as flashlight for outdoor activities, with preference for overall tight beam?

I love the EA01, but from a strictly utilitarian purpose i’m not sure where it fits, the beam profile is not great indoors nor for walking due to the relative lack of spill and the throw is better than the EC01 but not extraordinary due to the choice of LED, i’d like to see it with a small die osram, would probably make it the pocket thrower that it isn’t quite yet.

Allright, there is still the quad SST20 4000K version on my radar, which could still pack a punch, but with little extra spill.

I looked around for unprotected 26350 batteries a couple of months ago for a Fitorch P25. The best one I could find is the generic blue one that is widely available and rated at 6A (some sellers claim 10A). The Vapecell 26350 appears to be the same battery.