I would accept that as an axiom…

I suspect most are in the middle, actually. But I don’t see how it matters that much.

It is if you understand irony and levity. Don’‘t fall for the ’triggered snowflake’ BS that plagues the modern internet.

and bedridden, weighing over 400 pounds, according to one former high-level US Government official.

Since flashlights appeal to all ages, especially kids, you would expect a majority of members to be under 25. But that’s not the case. It would seem the best explanation is the atmosphere in general.

Here is your answer. Results Age Poll.

You will be surprised, but some of us are even older than 60!!!
This poll started a few months before you choose to join BLF, but was revived in September 2019.
So I took the liberty to look it up. For you.

As for the results: you might say that half of the people in each category have moved to the next one.
Except for those who left the forum, of course, and the (very?) few who sadly passed away.
To answer your demand: my quess is that the category > 50yr is twice the size of the one you’re in.

My guess is that flashlight enthusiasts are few and far between in general. I don’t see age as being the main factor. Could be wrong.

Thanks for finding that, it’s interesting. So 6 years ago the under-25 group was less than half of the over-50 group. I would imagine the same poll today would indeed find many members moved up an age group, and few took their place below.

I think it is Great some/many BLF members are also CPF members too.
I’m sure there are interests both forums share and benefit from all the time.
Both forums have up’s and down’s.
There is more leeway here on BLF.
As you can see on this thread, even borderline Trolling is permitted, at CPF you would get the Boot. :wink:
We are very fortunate the Ol Lumen spirit of Love of flashlights and friendship is still present. :heart_eyes:

I believe that was mine.
Joke dude, like totally. I like puppies.
Not sure what else to say to you (publicly) if that got you all excited.

There is no old boys club, I myself am just a young man :stuck_out_tongue:
No one gets promoted into positions of power here either. There is only one and he probably didn’t give me a “serious warning” as he saw it for what the comment was. Geez man…
I see your panties are still bunched up about the contest, the organizers not allowing your own rules.
The contest is kept alive by members of the forum doing unknown (to you) hours of work behind the scenes. We try to keep the original concept of Old Lumens as much as possible but the main man running the show has been on a rotation system these past few years so a solution to your problem might be to step up and offer to run it yourself one year, then you could introduce a new category just as I introduced the modified light category, that does not hinder the youth.

Have I dominated anyone into obscurity?
I really don’t know about that.
Do I create a bad atmosphere here on BLF?
I really hope that is not what you meant.
For what it’s worth, I have never received a warning from sb, though he might have thought about it once or twice :innocent: :+1:

Amen to that! For an example, look at HERE !

Not related to the thread title, but to this sentence, yes, flashlights appeal to many people, including kids. But kids don’t have the economic power or “savyness” (whatever!), so grown-ups have to invest (time and money) in the flashlight business to giv’em lights to the kids. And…here we are all :smiley: :money_mouth_face:

As for the ageist conception/argument, I wouldn’t go that way :wink:
BTW, I’m in the mid 30s! :beer: :beer: :smiley:

Thanks for sharing that ‘Henk4U2’ :+1:
It’s great to watch a World Wide Family :heart_eyes:

Since we’ve largely departed from forum comparisons and we‘re talking about BLF I’ll say this:

I’ve been here about 4 years, as you can see. I’ve found this forum a more helpful and collaborative experience than anywhere else. The amount of discussion that’s been friendly and positive, and helped me learn is tremendous. I read a lot more than I post and it’s been a highlight in my life. If I need a break from other things I’ll come here and leave feeling happier. Thank you all. BTW, I’m in my 40’s.

Given that internet forums are an “old school” format popular during the analogue modem era, I would expect a demographic old enough to have used those back in the day. Forums have definitely faded into obscurity since social media platforms took off. I don’t think “too many old people” would be the sole reason for an older demographic on a forum.

^ Well a special shout-out to Colonel Light for offering a explanation other than what must be wrong with me :+1:

If I thought BLF was nothing but damaged goods I wouldn’t still be here. Let’s see my view as constructive criticism and endeavor not to prove me right in the future.

I understand that you’re upset, but “promoted to a position of power” is hyperbolic and simply not true. The one and only moderator here continues to be me. The OL Contest has had different organizers and different judges for each of the past several years. I don’t choose them, and I exercise no voice in that process. It just sort of organically happens each year, and my thanks goes to all who have helped thus far. You have a right to politely take up the issue with those that you feel were unfair, but please don’t try to conflate it with corruption or anything else more dramatic than the actual reality, which is a flashlight forum that has one moderator and a meritocratic ad-hoc organizational structure that usually works pretty well.

Wait… so I won’t be promoted to a Position Of Power? So what’re all my bribes gratuities being used for??

I have not been here long on either forum, but from what ive observed, on CPF, they will rubbish anyone asking about LED lenser products, recommending some other brand that i had never heard of or can no longer remember.
This forum also seems to be more orientated to those who build their own custom flashlights or make mods.

CPF is very useful for collectors, of maglites in particular.

When I’ve looked, cpf cares more about the following things:

  • tactical lights
  • the “custom” or “high-end” light scene
  • of course, their sponsor brands

BLF cares more about:

  • bang for the buck
  • DIY/customization

But these are broad generalizations and I rarely poke around over there.