New Fireflies T1R Mini Thrower-- Release date 25th Jan

Are the two holes on the tail cap for a pocket clip? Does the light include it? I hope so.
Does the 21700 tube come with the light? I have the fireflies eo1 osram and it’s a tiny bit smaller head… 2 mm. And the eo1 does not come close to the 125kcd that this new t1r supposedly does. Maybe only 35kcd. Good job if these numbers are accurate.

I think the tube will be an add-on. I asked if it was included with my prize (and was hopeful I’d be able to tag it on in the same package if not) but didn’t get a response :frowning:
I wouldn’t expect the numbers to be much different from what other manufacturers have come up with using the Osram and TIR combo. Though from the reports of the Acebeam, I’m not sure what the actual numbers there are.

I don’t think there’s a pocket clip those look to be for a lanyard.- looks like it is for a clip, see below

At least based on this cropped image from the OP, those holes appear to be threaded. I’m guessing you’d screw a clip on there?

On their website it says, With stainless steel clip but it doesn’t show a picture of one.

I like the removable tail magnet and 21700 extension

Im ready to order Army green!

It said available Jan 25th and it is the 26th and I don not see where it is available yet.

Patience please :slight_smile: FireFlies is not a large company, so I usually tend to forgive for some delay (I handle these dates as just promises/plans, not actual deadlines), I just look at the result of their work.

They didn’t say what year. Just pretend they said FEB 25th for now. I’m waiting for this one too.

After Chinese New Year

Interested, looks nice :smiley:

How well does the red head, body tailcap color match? Interested in a red with both the short and long body, any discounts for BLF?

What is the lenght of the light with the 21700 battery

Skylumen just released a mt01 that kinda looks like the fireflies t1r. anyone else think so? Im still waiting on the fireflies t1r. I can’t wait

Mateminco MT01 is the Astrolux EA01.


^ My guess ^

Sounds good, interested.
Any information regarding price?

Anybody receive updates to release date?

Awaiting more beamshots and comparison to EA01, X1L, MC13, L17 etc.

Awaiting more info…

Me too. Hoping for something to make me not want it. Don’t you dare offer it in that teal color or I will have to buy it and that’s not smart. :person_facepalming:

I wonder if this light is using the Gaggione LLC05N. Seems close…