Free lanyards (UK only)

Lanyard arrived today, many thanks fits nice on my Nitenumen NE01

Glad you like it! :slight_smile:

This is why I don’t, for holding it like this it’s fine:

but like this it’s just not long enough:

You know now you show a photo, I think the one I was going to send is shorter…… so not a lot of point in sending that one. Would you like a paracord one?
Just let me know if you would. More importantly if you do is exactly how long you want it.
If you don’t pm me, I’ll assume you’re ok it’s no trouble, I have a tonne of it laying aroung :+1:-
It can be adjustable as I can cut the adjuster off this too short one so your wrist can close against it should be fine as is though.-

Scrap all that…. I made you one anyway lol! Just finishing it off. Attach like a regular lanyard (the one you have) - I see you have a nice oblong hole which makes it easy!
if you want it shorter, just tie a knot in the tab end about an inch or so down.

thank you got today and sticking an a Jetbeam AAA E17 Red

Thanks that looks really cool :slight_smile: will definitely give it a go. I’m still waiting for someone at Fenix to get back to me about buying the fenix one that I like. The silly thing is I have one here in the box with the camo version of the PD35v2 which i’ve got listed for sale on ebay. I considered nicking it and putting the non-adjustable lanyard in with it instead but that just felt dishonest. Seems crazy that they don’t sell them separately like O-light do, I’d have paid a fiver for it without even thinking twice, they probably cost pennies to make.

Managed to get a lead on supply of the Fenix lanyard that I wanted. Should be able to order next week. Will post back here with more details if anyone else wants to get one.

Posted today, be a few days no doubt :+1:

Thanks mate :slight_smile:

Received mine yesterday. Thanks :+1:

Warning - Shameless self promotion.

I make paracord bits for one of the most popular being a wrist lanyard

But I guess the full size paracord loop wouldn’t work with most torches? I’m trying to think of a way around that issue….

Many thanks for the very kind gesture, I have many candidates for this one.

Just noticed my images aren’t showing up (for me) yet sb can see them - what about you guys?
Post 22 should, and did have photo’s in :stuck_out_tongue:

OOOh nice pouch there! is that your work or did you have it made?

Larger than the Noctigon / Emisar lanyards :+1:

Thanks, it was made by my lovely girlfriend. It has a few issues to be ironed out for the next one which I’m hoping won’t be too far away, she has an insane amount of fabric/patterns to choose from. The inspiration for the pouch was the Nock fountain pen pouches as shown.

When time permits I’m hoping to refine the process and bang out a few. (more accurately, the GF will bang them out)

Very nice Jase :+1:
Oh and a suggestion…… :person_facepalming: I have a battery charging bag that has fire resistant liner in, considering the bag was like £3 ish the material (fibreglass maybe?) lining it must be quite cheap - might be worth considering lining it with something like that? you know some people burn themselves :wink:
I was just thinking if it was cheap enough, maybe an idea is all. something like this - you may be able to find cheaper, 1st one I found lol - just to give an idea :+1: link

Also I see you like your pens…… maybe you might be able to help me.
My Uncle who recently died bought me a Pelikan fountain pen when I was about 15, but over the years i have lost a little gold ring from it, and despite A LOT of looking, and enquiring I simply cannot find one…
It is a pelikan m150/481- after looking on the net, it seem MAYBE nothing is missing lol (i’m sure it had a ring, maybe i’m wrong), i can’t work out the piston bit, the tail cap will not screw right down is all - still stuck though!
Just an update, I called ‘niche pens’ and the lady was only too pleased to help me out, lovely lady. She said it should be repaired for free and to call a number she gave where it would be sent back to Germany and fixed, and the ring replaced, they might even replace the entire innards. Hopefully they will, we will see next week when I call them as they are shut now.
I hope you can see the below photos - I sadly can’t for some reason at the moment, troubles with imgbb - but there are 3 photos below lol

Very impressive.
imgbb, isn’t that the site where the emperor bought his new clothes? :stuck_out_tongue:

Just kidding. Takes for ever to load, and when the loading stops: nothing!
I’m using Firefox.

EDIT: Now I can see them.

yet I can see those fountain photos, but not my others… who knows…
EDIT restarting my pc cured it, can see them all now

@G0OSE thanks for the lanyard! Unfortunately the paracord is too thick to fit through the lanyard loop on the end of this light but it’s still a nice gesture nonetheless. I’m sure I’ll find a use for it, thankyou.