What are you snacking on now?

Not a snack, but breakfast. A French roll (very very short baguette, as wide as it is long) with Seara ham paste and homemade garlic mayonez really filled a hole! :+1:

Act II Butter Lovers microwave popcorn.

Peach Cobbler .... and vanilla Ice cream mmm

Friendly’s Nor’Easter Pothole ice cream. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheerios! No milk, no honey cheerios, just the OG on its own.

Link didn’t work thru the Milky Way, butt that looks pretty authentic potholes with the crack filler running thru it. :+1:


This looks like it’s working. I don’t usually like chocolate ice cream, but this hit the spot.

Pete7874….Halos, too.

as i posted in another thread, i got in trouble
looking for Cuties coupons online.
Google sent me to the Netflix Cuties.
delete, delete, delete.

Sooooo good!

spoiling my supper with pork rinds.


Got curry, got turmeric, got pepper-flakes, need a “recipe” how to make chineese style curry sauce for chicken or beef (got both), but don’t quite feel like “experimenting” right now.

I spent half the night studying the information on this forum, made myself a hot dog and came across this topic. Ha ha ha))

Sushi and favorite McDonald’s)))

Glass of scotch- late night snack :smiley:

no frosting, please.

Fruit salad. Damn does it make for a nice afternoon snack.

Finally today, received my 2day UPS order from 1/26 of some dark roast Holiday and House Blend Peet’s K-cups.
I completely agree with td about no frosting. I fought and finally order a frozen dozen at a time of our local market’s buttermilk bars.
They slather them with chocolate, glazing, cream cheese, orange sprinkles, making them inedible.
Dunked in the Peet’s are my main reason for getting up before the sun.


next, i will try Cosmic Crisp

Just some skyflakes biscuits