Sofirn Special Offers on for D25L Headlamp & S11C Flashlight

Code for both please, thanks.

Could you please PM me? I can’t PM you directly. Thank you!

Could I have a code for both please. Thank you.

Codes for both, please

The PM trouble might be related to latest spam fix? Ask SB.

Got the code via PM for S11C, but Amazon did not accept it. Is it store specific? Anyone have a code work?

The first code I got for the SD01 did not work. I sent another PM and the second code worked.

Code for s11c please! Thanks!

Please PM me for the code.

Please PM me! I can’t PM you directly.

Please PM me for the code, I got a limitation.

Please PM me for the code, I can’t PM you directly.

The PM function back to normal right now. :blush:

Thanks for your suggestion. :smiley:

Got the “”Toy” flashlight for $6.49 with the provided code + $2 coupon on Amaz…
Thanks Sofirn!

Interested in a code for the S11C please. Thank you!

Code for s11c please, I’d love 3 if possible.

Could I please have a code for the S11C, Thanks!

Interested in a code for the S11C please.

S11C is a great deal for $8. Works great. Nice neutral beam tint. Direct to moonlight or High from off. Hidden strobe. Smooth zooming function. USB-C charging. Strong magnetic flat base. Cell and cable included. Might be best $8 I ever spent on a light.

All functions tested and work fine.

Keep it away from water - check! $8.

Only complaint no spare o-rings and needed to grease threads. Not a big issue.

Thanks for the deal Sofirn.