Astrolux EA01S/Mateminco MT04 fault

Your flashlight should cost more … :smiley:

What in the world… LEDs do act as photoreceptors and do generate some power when light shines on them. This is very strange. I remember some old light could be turned on (as thought the switch were pressed) by shinning a up light at them but idk what’s going on here.

Strangest flashlight behavior I have seen.

Although very strange.. and concerning.. It's also pretty cool to see...

It’s possessed :stuck_out_tongue:

Funny enough, a few days ago I was thinking of an idea like this, having proximity sensors on high power flashlights to prevent fires/burns.

Don’t know if this makes sense but could it be some interference from a magnet or electronic device. If you turn it on in the dark does it still have the same issue? Also, have you tried it outside?

olight does the proximity sensor thing that kicks down the lights output to either off or low from turbo when it senses anything to close to the front of the business end, not really sure because i dont own one. weird behavior indeed on your Astrolux.

I thought about this, but once it’s on it works flawlessly. If it was interference it would flicker in use.

If I click the switch within 2 seconds it operates fine, if I wait over 2 sec it doesn’t light up.

If I smack it down on the table it stays off, if I place hand over it or tilt it to one side it turns on lol it’s very frustrating

Sent a video to Mateminco anyway

Wow, thats bizarre. What does it do in complete darkness?… where there is no light/dark contrast?
If it still does this in complete darkness, then it couldn’t be (only) caused by ambient light on/off exposure.

Sell it on eBay as a haunted flashlight, get most of your money back and more…

Super strange!

A good test would be to see of something like a book does the same thing. This will show if the heat from your hand is triggering it.

Who else has already received their Astrolux EA01S? Are there any similar problems? I’m worried

Does the same thing with any object that covers the lens.

Okay, it only does it when cold and never in the dark, so it sounds like maybe a cold solder joint causing something to misbehave. It’s kind of cool since it’s haunted lol

So it only does this when its:
>Cold to the touch
>Tail standing
>Blocked/covered from ambient light

Curious, what happens when you ONLY block the switch from ambient light? (after clicking it on of course). From your vid it seems like theres no effect from blocking the switch… correct?

Can you post high-res pics of the driver? That might void your warranty / return though.

I’ll have to check. Tested standby current and it’s 600μA, checked my good unit and it’s 84.5μA

Mateminco are sending me a new head :slight_smile:

OK cool!!
FWIW my Sofirn IF25A only draws 120 μA on standby, with the switch LEDs dimly lit.

If they had sent another back cover (well, as an excuse) .There would have been a second short peasant with weirdness …

Ok I’m having the same problem with my MT04 which arrived today and I’m super confused about what is happening here!

If it sometimes doesn’t turn on in low brightness it’s the amc7135 chip. Open a dispute

The problem doesn’t really bother me. When the torch is in a bright environment it wont turn on on low, unless I cover the LED’s for a second. The standby current is 87 μA with the button LED on high - which seems to be normal.