Any LEP lights in Canada?

A GT90 would be a much more wow inducing light imo. Just make sure you get standard shipping and not use a courier like DHL or ups who will charge your $20 in brokerage fees on top of duties and taxes.

My take is you don’t order from the states . Neil is selling the w4 . I would go that way . I got is lep no trouble .

Oh Yeah that’s right. Neals an okay guy. He’ll get your goods delivered pronto! :money_mouth_face: The LEP that is. Emails from Neal… well, that could be a big challenge. Hope you have patience. :smiley:

I e-mailed Neal last night and there was a response this morning from him.HB

And can he ship?

I’ve had a poor experience in that avenue. Ordered an Avaritia N40SE which did arrive; then ordered an extension tube with 26980 cell. That was never seen - and Neal tried to resend. Again, border customs denied entry as ‘battery’ was on the manifest.
Don’t know why BG or Aliya ship, but not Neals Gadgets.

What I do know: the bigger stores use a shipping broker who looks into these things prior to shipping out. Had some items returned/retained in China till the sender sorted the manifest or used different shipping method.

MAXTOCH can ship LEP lights to Canada. Xsword L2K long version and short version, you may take a look.

He said he can ship to Canada and that was even after I asked him if the W4 was illegal in Canada…have not heard back yet after he said he can ship to Canada. HB

So what if they can ship to Canada?..but will they guarantee that the light won’t get confiscated once the agent sees it’s using a Class3B laser.
They are all (Customs agents) on to it probably,regarding (Class3b laser) being prohibited by now I would think.Thanks,HB

Yeah…pretty petty(re laser),same as an airgun that shoots over 500f.p.s. is classed as a Firearm in Canada and needs a license (PAL) to buy if over 500f.p.s…495fps is O.K. to buy. ?!HB

Is it legal to buy or own a soup plate in Canada?

I’ve heard a trained person can drown you in a soup plate and make it look like an accident.

Yeah is quite restrictive up here. Stun guns, automatic weapons, radar detectors, firewood, pepper spray, firecrackers....even fishing bait etc.

But no it's not like a utopian world up here. We still have our fair share of excitement up here.

utopian —> dystopian

If you want a LEP across the boarder there are a few, I personally have both Astrolux WP1&WP2 along with the unbranded LEP from Neal/Vinh shipped and delivered without issues.

Thanks and I'm gonna try and contact Vinh and see how it goes. Plus I wanna ask him if some villagers really eat live flapping fish in their salad! :D Can't get any fresher than that!

Speaking of fresh fish, Canada may have some interesting restrictions, but it’s a great country for fishing! Been to Ontario numerous times and caught lots of walleye and northern pike.

I’ve imported 6W blue laser diodes into canada, is this law just for handheld retail products?

Pretty much.

Anybody from Canada has ordered from Skylumen with information on duty fees and taxes ?

Yeah quite restrictive indeed. We’re mostly smugglers now. Wow Pike! Those are huge and prehistoric looking I must say. Back breakers I’d say. Oh btw, you must of noticed the price of gas up here? :smiley: Crazy indeed. :money_mouth_face:

Hey I just realized you’re my neighbor…citywise that is. :slight_smile: Anywho, I actually have a 5mW green laser I ordered a month ago. I think 5mW is allowed if I’m not mistaken. It’s great for scarring away birds pecking on our house vent pipes. :smiling_imp:

Got a link to the laser your ordered?