Emisar D3AA is available now

d1v2 14500 would be AWESOME

I’d love to see a D24 with two dozen SBT90.2s

Hank,There will be KR4 or D4 with selectable variable tint mix?
Would be wonderfull with E21A 2000+4500k or others 95+ Cri Leds
A great alternative of IF25

I have a D18 with an even mix of 2700 and 4000s. Beautiful soft yellow beam for walking around at night

Not as powerful as some lights to be sure, but still blasts out an incredible amount of light relative to my old, trusty Nitecore TM26

I also am a 2700/4000 believer. A great first choice.

Your D18 have selectable tint?
If yes I would see that function on the KR4/D4.A great alternative of Sofirn IF25

Actually, I paid Hank $10 to mix 2700 and 4000 diodes evenly. So 9 of each. But from any distance, it blends into a beautiful soft yellow beam. Like an old maglight.

Doesn’t blind the people I’m out walking with like my 6500K’s. As much as I love E21A 2000K for indoors, it’s too warm and not bright enough for my tastes for walking around outside

You also might like XP-L HI V2 5D 4.000K. I have that for CH1 on one of my K9.3s and the power is awesome yet the tint is gentle on the eyes. I wish Hank could put 18 of those in a D18 for me but I don’t think that’s possible because of the driver or something

I’d love it if his website let you search my emitter or tint. Like pick that one and see all the lights that it’s possible to put in

I’ve been asking for something like that since the original D1, but we get this instead. Who even wanted something like this that doesn’t even take a 21700?

Anyone have a D18vn with cslpm1 or cslnm1? is it worth it? meaning added throw for added heat? Let’s say cct is not a factor because it is what it is. I had the d4s cslpm1 and sold it because it was impractical (Heat), and i didn’t feel that the added throw was worth how quickly it got uncomfortably hot. it got hotter faster then my Lumintop X9l with roughly same output and throw. i’m wondering if d18 with osram is the same? or is the added throw so good it overrides, for you, the fact it gets really hot?

I dont know if this question makes sense, but i’m considering d18 with cslnm1 or -pm1.

I’ve been Saving some posts on reddit when people post their D4V2 collections. Here are some of the links:

D4V2 Custom Button Colors
^ photo is of D4V2 Ti… but Hank is now doing backlights for alu too? :open_mouth:

Various D4V2 LED Tints

Comparing the warmer side of things with a few of new lights

Unscientific E21A and SST20 tint and optics comparison - 10622, 10623, 2700K and 4500K

Wow that’s incredible… I think I need to get that entire collection

what he is? he has told me in numerous emails he would not do backlight aluminum

EDIT: That is a REALLY nice collection TimMc!

That’s not my collection! :weary:

Photo from:

ummm… uhh… WTF! I hope someone modded that themself, but looks like Hanks switch. unless they did a driver / switch swap??

OR, Hank really likes some other collector mroe then the numerous people on blf who have asked him… Because i have asked him more then once, and within the last month. We email often enough where i think he might actually remember me as one of those guys who always changes something or adds something to their order after palcing it and pays him through paypal seperately. I know theres others out there.

Anyway, i just checked the site, no dice on him offering it on the store. So maybe a first time trial for hank and that owner? Or someone is just really lucky

EDIT: i have not bought nearly as many Hank lights as other members here, i know that. But i have probably bought 25-30 Hank lights. half of them this year alone. Id like to think he would hook me up with one of those D4 aluminum back lights lol. i told him id pay extra of course.

He says it’s his first Hank light and was bought a month ago .

is this person (on reddit) fu**ing with us? Like i am actually pissed off about this. maybe i need to walk away. :person_facepalming:
maybe he just offered Hank enough money where he didn’t want to say no?

He says the change was free .

Emailed Hank about the switch . He said yes . Have ordered one cyan with cyan back light .

Hmm… ok. Thanks for info

Yup, i’m ordering one too. I looked back in my email and i guess i asked hank less times then i thought. Also, recently i asked him if he could do it in the D4sv2, not the d4v2. he said no he couldn’t, so i was confused. sorry everyone.