YouTube or Netflix?? *You're marooned on a tropical island for a whole year with only YouTube or Netflix allowed. Which one will you choose?*

The correct answer would be Kodi.
But I’ll take youtube for now.

None of above.

I looked at this thread earlier and it didn’t register but just now I realized that with the travel restrictions here I am actually marooned on a tropical island and have been for a whole year!!

I got Netflix for my daughter, I’m much happier with a good book.

For years everyone fought to ditch their cable box and replace it with so called free services. Now these same people have Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, and they pay more per month than they did with th the cable box. We fell right into the trap while Bezos was picking out his $400M yacht.

Netflix doesn’t work on rooted phones, probably some equally dumb shenanigans would stop it working on my pc…

Youtube doesn’t have much worth watching. I mostly use it for gun takedowns and other tutorial.

Gotta say neither lol

Well, it has to be YouTube. There are about 0 instructional videos on how to survive on Netflix…
If it’s just for entertainment I would pick Netflix though.

Which Youtube are we talking? The free or the paid streaming service? I can not comment on Youtube TV but the free service is my go to for repair or music videos. Netflix is ok for movies and shows. Netflix swept the Emmys this year.


How to survive, how to anything.
What’s new, what’s not.
Weed out the frivolous (Mr. & Mrs. Howell) and apply knowledge (The Professor)

Also, watching idiots lightens my rut.

What you mean “we”, paleface?

I get my content the old-fashioned way.

Freedom? That is a worship word, Yang worship. You will not speak it.

While I don’t agree with YT’s policies on suppressing free speech, the platform is unmatched and just works great. I vote YT but only on the condition you have Premium…the thought of going back to ads every minute is painful.

As I had to upgrade my AppleTV, which is an overly expensive media box and overly sensitive remote, I was thinking of just such. An alternative would be using an AdBlocker on my LAN. However, I fear this may slow down all traffic. Someone here on the forum may have an insight on this.

Nevertheless, I may take up Curiosity Stream/Nebula for the documentaries and the critical views.

But I digress.

None of the above. I prefer nice company, as tropical islands can have cold nights too.

I heard from someone that if you watch too many Youtube, eventually you’ll end up watching some twisted dark weird scary stuff even though one might not have gone there intentionally for that material. And then it affects you mentally for a long time?

“And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” (Nietzsche)

Yea but the news groups are not what they used to be either. LOL

I will politely disagree.

I cut the cable about 9 years ago. Have not looked back. I do not have Netflix. The ONLY service I pay for is Disney because my daughter loves the movies. I get Amazon Prime (The big package) for the free shipping here in Alaska it pays for itself in a month. So yes I get Amazon movies, I would pay for Prime even if I did not get movies. I have been using and upgrading Kodi and a friends Plex server (Over 5032 Movies and 400 TV series).

So here is the breakdown of what you listed.

Netflix is $14.00
Hulu $6.00
Amazon Prime Video $9.00 a Month
Disney 6.99 a month

So $35.00 a month.
My cable TV Company charges $105 for the expanded basic cable and no premium channels that is without any internet attached.

So you might want to check your numbers before bragging or belittling people.

is this tropical island named Omega IV?

Lol, the Kohms and the Yangs. Plus the Omega IV virus that turns you into crystals. "A virus that disrupts the body at molecular level, separating water molecules from the other organic compounds until there is nothing of the body left but dehydrated white crystals."

No Kohms or Yangs on the tropical island I'm afraid. But there is the Youtube virus present. :D

Neither. I just want to download e-books.