Ff light

Ok, so I see it in the two 1lumen inages, definite chatter from what was probably dull tooling or unstable mounting during lathe work. The Reddit list I think is an unfortunate combination of FireFlies QC not cleaning the part and the super strong magnet piling the shavings onto the threads, nor a machining problem as much as QC (its bad but not as bad as poor matching).

The chattered machining is disappointing and I stand corrected. My apologies. I also wonder if any of the lights with bad rail threads had good or bad quality head threads? Probably no way to know. I mean specifically the chattered thread lights. I wonder how those lights head threads look…

Anyway- to Sarge12 and others who are concerned, not EVERY light has jacked up threads. But I guess that makes it a gamble… I don’t know mine could have bad tail threads I just don’t use them so I don’t even know honestly. The head threads are find but they are so smooth it’s how in open the light.

When the friction surface is rough, those metal shavings are generated. In my case, it was the bad machining that caused the grittiness as well as metal shavings.

I also load the battery from the front, but I loosen the tail a bit so I can better align the head threads. I don’t use the clip.

Oh, ok. Wow. Well I am learning something here, and it is unfortunate Convoy has $20 lights with Perfect machining and these amazing FireFlies suffer from this machining, I’m hoping it’s an “isolated incident” since it appears the at least E07x and e12 are all machined similarly, and probably at same time.

Anyway, I hope Jack and FireFlies does something for the people effected. Even if that is a coupon code or allows returns for those who don’t want to do business with them

I love this community so much because it’s so helpful and enlightening. I’ve been thoroughly enriched and educated so much by being here. That being said…

Everyone literally crying about threads on a flashlight that is likely better than any other flashlight on the market is pretty mind-blowing. It doesn’t matter how many times you tell people to clean the threads, or to apply lube, or that you’re only supposed to use the head-side threads…or to just get the F%CK over it…people will still drown in a cup of water and trash Fireflies.

For those that can’t seem to find any useful insight on the new Fireflies because there is so much nonsense about “bad threads”, let me help you.

Fireflies makes some of the best lights the enthusiast community has ever seen. I do enjoy ultra smooth threads but this topic has gotten way outta hand now. No company is perfect, no not even Hank. But no one has pushed the community forward lately like Fireflies.

Hank was doing an 8 emitter E21A mule. Fireflies said 21 E21A emitters is more like it (that pushed Hank to do 16 emitters). Even now, no one has come close to producing the Nichia 219B lights FF has. Hank is making a 1200 Lumen E21A D4v2. FF had double that Lumen in the PL47G2 with Nichia 219B’s 2 years ago. E07 had almost 4000 Lumen of ultra high CRI light years ago too. You’d have to buy the K9.3 to beat that. Even the ROT66 Nichia is an absolute classic in raw aluminum. I get some pushback on “imperfections”, but some of this shit is just beyond overboard at this point. Not a single person here needs a replacement light because “the threads are bad”.

Here are the top 4 companies all things considered. Convoy, Sofirn, Emisar/Noctigon and Fireflies. Each one has their own strengths but, all are great at what they do. Everything else is just noise.

If you guys can understand all the endless complaining about some threads that don’t even affect performance…then you guys should be able to understand my need, my almost DUTY, to return the favor.

@Lojik, I couldn’t have said it better. I agree 100%. Well done.

Yea! what @Lojik said!

see look, perfect threads

ok, ok.. im done..

But really, he is right. FireFlies is crushing it right now, and have been for awhile. i'm with ya @loljk.

My secondaries are no where near that bright!
Someone said there should be pots on the board that one could raise the brightness of the secondaries.
When I took out the optic, I did find 4 screws but I believe they are there to hold the board down.


@ftumch33, haven’t taken optic out but the pot screws are very small. Much smaller than board screws. I don’t believe this light has adjustable secondaries. Did you go through all of the settings for them? 7 clicks to access. I thought you would have already but just wanted to mention it. When I put mine on low they are very dim. Good Luck.

So the threads on the head are not an issue? If not, no problem.

SST20 tests should be up in signature.
I think what I received was FA3 (which I requested, but wouldn’t have if I knew the DUV RISES with power, unlike FB4 which lowered with power increase), but he had said there was only FA4.

Yes, head thread are totally fine.

never mind, apparently some people have had problems.

So here is a pic of size comparisons. The E07x is the exact same size as the Lumintop X9L sbt90.2 light. The head is like 1mm smaller, but they are almost an exact match, in case anyone has that and wants to know what itd be like to carry. The picture makes them look a lot different but they're almost identical.

What surprised me is the e07x is a little longer than the e12r , not that it matters at all but i didn't expect that.

The more i carry this light, the more i realize i would still recommend this to people even if the tail cap was WELDED ON. This e07x is awesome, it makes my other lights feel obsolete in a way. my tail threads are a little gritty on one of mine, doesn't even matter. This light is technically near perfect IMO. of course, as long as you are OK with the size.

I love this community so much because it’s so helpful and enlightening. I’ve been thoroughly enriched and educated so much by being here. That being said…

Everyone literally crying about threads on a flashlight that is likely better than any other flashlight on the market is pretty mind-blowing. It doesn’t matter how many times you tell people to clean the threads, or to apply lube, or that you’re only supposed to use the head-side threads…or to just get the !@#$ over it…people will still drown in a cup of water and trash Fireflies.

Look, just cause you got the one light with perfect threads doesn`t deny the fact that some of these lights passed quality control as being `just good enough` and the people with less than stellar versions of this light have every right to make their concern known.

As far a Fireflies being better than any other flashlight on the market? I beg to differ.

The story of how one member had to use a vice grip to get the tail cap off was pretty sad. That’s outright unacceptable.

I might not agree with you, but i will defend your right to your opinion . Judging others for their opinion isn’t a source of valor .

I appreciate you, Artiet59 and Boro. Based on how things were looking here, I didn’t really expect anyone to agree. It was really just for my sanity and for those that are truly wondering about Fireflies. But I’m glad it turns out that I’m not alone in feeling this way.

definitely, I couldn't agree more really. And in terms of FireFlies position in the ranking of best brands at the moment, I don't see how they aren't at the summit of that list in terms of design at least. I'd like to see more reliable availability but I get it, the world is weird right now.

after further inspection my e12r and one of my e07x has gritty threads, and one e07x has perfect threads. And until I checked tonight I had no idea my e12r had gritty threads, bc it doesnt effect my experience at all with the light. I have been raving about my e12r, with gritty threads and all, for the last month. I didn't know about it and now that I do, I still wouldn't think to mention it to people when recommending the light, because it really doesn't even fall in the top 10 most relevant things about the light. That's how I look at it.

Fireflies, Emisar/Noctigon and Convoy are tied for 1st in my book. Lumintop and Sofirn are a really close second. I have no experience with astrolux/matreminco yet but I will soon. Everything else is either pure garbage or too expensive, or I haven’t tried…
I haven’t found another company where you can get 3-5k+ lumens for so cheap and have good build quality.


It’s ok if you don’t think Fireflies is better than other lights, I do and their performance has proven it over and over to me.

So many people were taking shit about Fireflies that some might get the impression that no one holds Fireflies in high regard, so I needed to rectify that.

@Artiet59 explained how his new FF made his other lights feel outdated, that was VERY much my experience also. Last thing on my mind was some threads that aren’t even supposed to be used anyway.

Some people are super quick to leave a bad Yelp review over the dumbest shit. I’m not like that at all. I always appreciate people’s effort and can understand the difference between something slipping through the cracks, and something being deliberately trash.

If a chef worked hard to make me a great meal and one thing ended up less then perfect, I would not throw away everything about the whole experience to shit and pile on the one mistake. I have far more respect for peoples work than to be so publicly petty to try and hurt their business.

Fireflies has put forth a tremendous effort in getting enthusiasts lights that truly excite. They have amazing anodization, aesthetics and excellent efficiency on top of emitter options to drool over. Compared to Fireflies, I can’t get onboard with what Hank has been doing lately. If the light isn’t trying to leap forward, why would I bother with it? His brand new 8 emitter E21A light puts out a whopping 1700 Lumen. Twice the size of the D4v2 yet only 500 Lumen more? I honestly don’t care how awesome his threads are, that is flat out mediocre to me just like the K9.3 is. If that’s your thing, more power to you and Hank. As for me, I will enjoy FF continuing to push the envelope on lights other companies wouldn’t even dare to make.