Mateminco MT01 (EA01) tear down, SST-40 5000K option

I received my EA01 replacement head and the parasitic drain is lower now, about 50 microamps. It also seems brighter than the first head for some reason.

What about the charging circuit?

Charging circuit checked out also. I saw 1.8 ish amps and stopped at about 4.18v. I forgot to mention that the parasitic drain was measured with the switch led on low.

I installed in my Osram KW CSLPM1.TG 5P 5400K. The shape of the beam is a bit similar to the SST-40, but without the wacky color changes depending on the voltage. And thank God without greenery on the bottom ... Saturn's rings are still present, at distances of up to 30cm there is a distinct donut. The battery I use is 26350 6A. With a turbo, even on Litokale 5000 (26650), a clear overload of the diode is visible (it turns blue). So: either not to use the turbo, or it is better not to risk it.

Just don’t use Turbo. You could always use higher gauge wire from the driver to the LED to limit the current.

The donut is present because the beam hasn’t formed properly.

Пончик присутствует практически во всех дальнобойниках, с подсветкой до полуметра. Я уже говорил об использовании турбо. В варианте 26350 он чуть выше старшего режима, и никакого вреда или перегрева не наблюдается ...

У меня есть VapCell 26350. With some kind of higher current I would not use a flashlight ...

Но мне нравится свет, и мне нравится производительность. Гонял вчера на разных режимах всю прогулку. В том числе и долгий турбо на разогрев. И после всего этого у меня осталось около 4В ...

I really like the larger TIR optics used like the EA01. I have the little 18350 body tube and it pumps out some light for such a little flashlight. Im on the hunt for something similar to the EA01 that uses a SBT90.2 with a big TIR, I reckon that would be nice. I think Manker makes something like this but not sure which model.

I believe that would be the Manker MC13.

Will not be...

Regarding the driver: is there any useful way to reconfigure it for a 6V-LED ?.

Only way that would be according to the art rules that I can think about is designing your own 6v driver in this case. Actually this could get some attention from blf as some other Mateminco/Astrolux lights use the same driver.

However if you would like to mod current one in theory zener mod could be tried, but I don’t know if this would affect charging circuit or not.
Zener mod is also harsh for AMC and you may end up burning it at 6v. On the other hand you can remove AMC and get FET only driver, but that would require MCU program change to use only 1 channel.

Ok, I am screwed. But thanks for the Information.

If you are not happy with cold tint on your light you can chang led to other 3V 5050 or similar.
Quite old XML2 might be an option, but you would need to limit max current and not to use turbo on it. About 5A shall be max for it.
New XHP50.3 shall have much better light quality, but the only 3V that are currently available are cold as well.
If you are able to drill holes in mcpcb you could also try to put 3535 led in it.I think something floody like LH351D might work well (make similar beam profile to XHP50.2) with this optic and it can take quite high current as well. It was discussed to adapt other mcpcb in this thread before. You can ask around if anyone managed to do it.

Noctigon DM11 can be equiped with a lot of different leds that are 3030 (W1, W2), 3535 (SST20, XPL HI, XHP35 HI), 5050 (SST40, SFT40) and 6565 (B35AM). What I can see optic used in noctigon is slightly different, but similar enough to assume other leds would look nice under EA01 optic.

The "B35AM" might be the smartest choice in my case, but I'm not sure if it can withstand that much current, as it is typical for Nichia-LED's to not be very robust.

Well B35AM is 6V led so you can’t actually use it with EA01 driver. I just wanted to point out that this type of optic can be used for different sized leds. Sorry for confusing you.

Just to let you know…
For B35AM DM11 is using 6V 3.6A driver. This is equivalent of 7.2A on 3V, so it is able to take some power.
For XPL HI, SST20 and W1 there is 3V 5A driver in DM11.

Right, I forgot that. Is there anybody You would recommend who might be able to design and build a 3V-Andúril-driver for the "MT01"~"EA01" ?. Becuase despite how much I like electronics and programming, I am still kind of totally incompetent at it.

Me too! Does anybody know a source or do I have to build one by myself? Did this a couple of years ago but don’t want to repeat this challenge …

I'm mostly lurker here, but assuming you meant 6V boost driver then first who came to my mind are

loneoceans (

thefreeman (

and Mike C (

Probably there are more members able to design it.

Please have in mind that it is very important that there is enough space in flashlight head to fit coil that that boost driver require. I do not owe EA01 so can't promise it is possible to make such driver for it and more experienced users need to make comment here.

"3V-driver", ... I am sorry, I don't know what's wrong today. I guess that 4mm thick coil fits into the head, and if not it shouldn't be too difficult to put a spacer between the driver and it's seating in the head. Thanks a lot.

''Tom E'', can you send the size-measurements from the driver, the TIR.-optic and the head inside ?, thank you in advance.