FREEME ✌ LUMINTOP THOR II LEP 500lm 1800m Aluminium/ Titanium Flashlight Group Buy >>> ALIVE!!!

Shared. [quote=Atom00] I'm interested to get the TI version. can someone please pm me the disc code. Tq. [/quote]

got it. Tq freeme

Interested in the TI version, can i get the code too?

One code for the ti version please.

thanks in advance

Thanks man. Much appreciated!

You're welcome.

Ordered, thank you very much

Surely at this point we've bought enough to bring the price down some? Do we have any numbers on how many units purchased or am I confused on the details of the OP?

Would love a code for the Ti version, please. Thanks!

Interested in the Alu version please.

Edited: Unfortunately, we are still far a bit far from next target due to cancellations.

Ordered, thank you very much.

Does anyone know the diameter of the bezel? It would be great if there was a diffuser for short distance, flood. If the dimension is non-standard, I may be able to make some and send a few out to those interested.

Also, thanks freeme for the code!


Thank you for your support!

I'm very interested in the TI version!!! Coupon Code? thx

Thanks, Order 1.


New titanium price from Banggood today.

Aluminium THOR II will be restocked in July.