What's your travel flashlight?

I air travel with a SK68 and a pocket edc (DQG tiny aa) typically, camping is a different story, thrower (wurkkos ts30s), flooder (sp36), headlamp (sk40 or HD20) and something small for pocket (varies)

They really shouldn’t unless it has a some sort of weapon potential. TSA allows up to 160 watt hour capacity which for a flashlight is huge.

Weapon potential like this Wurkkos TS30s

My travel light last time (to another city, to see my brother’s father) was a Convoy S2+ with SST20 2700K. It worked well for everything except as a bedside light, the spot was way too intense even at 0.1% mode. Now that I put a 30° TIR on it, it should be much nicer.

Any regular flashlight wouldn’t be taken by TSA, unless it has a tool kit included, very sharp edges, or it can be used as a baton due to weight (ie large Maglight).
There is a maximum WAh for lithium, but a normal flashlight wouldn’t be a problem. Been flying with flashlights for decades and nothing happened.

My current travel EDC is the https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/\_AougML EAGTAC D3C

after 9/11, the TSA took two of my favorites.
they said it was because of the batteries,
and they would not accept my argument.

so…now i fly (or not) with “cheapies”,
since the TSA confiscated one of those, too.
reasoning is, i can buy a cheap replacement
at my destination, and give it to the TSA
at their security station before my return flight.

Why not just take out the cell, “Here…”, and take back the light?

No reason for them to not allow that, unless they’re f’n thieves to begin with.

Snap a pic of the thief, post it online far’n’wide when you get back.

TSA = “Thieves Steal Anything”?

very sorry to hear that, what did they look like, were they longer than 7” with Tactical Strike Bezels?

TSA has never taken any light of mine, and have never said anything about the batteries either. Mine are not tactical looking…

These have been thru multiple flights:

the only challege was, one time I was asked by security, who approached me while I was seated in the boarding area
“is that a flashlight clipped to your back pocket?”

I replied, “Yes Sir, would you like me to show it to you?”

“No thats fine”, he said, and walked away.

I could tell he could see that the thing in my pocket was round, not flat like a knife… what initially drew his attention was the pocket clip…

It was the Titanium light on the right in the photo.

I do not carry knives thru security, TSA does confiscate those…
I lost a really nice one to them…

If I’m traveling usually I have three lights with me, Prometheus Alpha, Titanium Tool and a FW3T. Actually it’s four, an Aurora A4 is always on my keychain.

The large Macbook Pro is allowed on aircrafts, so not sure why TSA would take a small flashlight. Maybe they just wanted the flashlight.

My travel flashlight is the Nitecore E4K EDC

the two were taken several years ago.
i thought TSA had “loosened up” some
since then, but no, they confiscated the
cheap one and a lighter (birthday candles).

maybe i fit some “profile” or “wanted” picture.
again, now i just go cheap and do not waste
my time by attempting to prove otherwise.

My travel light is a “Lumintop LM10”:
I like Lumintop for the quality and relatively fair prices. They are not always “budget”, but they are highly regarded across the flashlight community. The FW3A is on my to-buy list also.


On the one hand, I’d really like one of my trusted flashlights in case of emergency when traveling by air. On the other, I’d be quite upset if TSA confiscated any of those…

It hasn’t come up since I haven’t flown since I joined here.

Well, I have a Sipik now, time to mod it I guess.

“Uhh, I really like your flashlight… I mean, the battery’s too big, I gotta confiscate it.”

[unscrew unscrew unscrew]

“Here, take the battery, scumbag, but I’m keeping the batteryless light.”

Life is hard for some people.


That’s literally what happened to me a “headless horseman hayrides” in West Park, NY. Lost a decent 14500, kept my SK68 Sipik (yeah, not expensive, but at the time it was a good light for me), SK68 still has its uses

well, another test will be this Thursday,
July 1st, flying out (thank goodness) of DC.

this is on my keyring: Fenix E01.
simple, small, basic, and CHEAP.

I keep looking for the perfect travel light. Pocketable in any type of attire, robust, good UI with easy moon and high, waterproof, “bright enough” and versatile. Plus rechargeable but also compatible with easily sourced primaries… Oh, and it must have good tint and CRI (willing to balance those options although I like 3500-4000k and 90+ CRI).

I’ve tried many, and like the single AA concept for easy maintenance… but so far I’ve used my Wizard Pro XHP50 Warm for a couple years now and its been close to perfect. CRI seems better than the 80 I thought it was rated for and tint is great, too. Pair that with a 219B AA or AAA vampire and I’m happy.

Wtf?? Why would they snatch a light or even a cell? Afraid someone might set a cornfield-maze on fire??

I actually worked there as a scare actor a few years later. Security doesn’t want visitors scaring the actors or ruining the scares with flashlights. Bunch of bullshit if you asked me, security there buncha rent a cops with more ego than brain matter, probably more interested in pocketing confiscated items (knives, flashlights, whiskey flasks, weed etc)