Sofirn SC21 mini

talk to Gchart:

or, buy the SP21, and use an AA body on it?

Nope. Press and hold to moon. 2nd press and hold to ramp. It’s the same UI as the SP35.

use an SP10 body w 14500, on an SP21 head?

I dont own those lights, maybe someone can try the lego and share whether it works…

Bummer. I was hoping that it was the same as the SC31 Pro. I’m not familiar with the SP35.

Question: When you press and hold the second time from moonlight, does it start the ramp from moonlight level or from the last used normal level? If it starts from moonlight, regardless of the last used normal mode, I could live with that.

Thanks for the info.


Answer: Yes, as long as you activate moonlight first. Ramps pretty quick though.


Thanks for verifying that.

I started to order one last night from Sofirn’s website, but they wanted to share information with other entities that I’m not familiar with, so I’ll wait a month or two until it’s available through an American vendor.

If it had a lighted switch or some other way to find it in the dark if drop it when it’s off, it would be nearly ideal for my intended use.

Sofirn told me via email that these will be available on Amazon sometime in July, so I’ll wait for that to order.

I am a big fan of Sofirn lights (my current EDC is an SC31 Pro 18350, and there’s an SP35 sitting on my nightstand). I’m not all that enamored with this light.

First, it’s long at 73mm. I’m sure a lot of that length comes from the reflector to focus the LH351D to such a nice beam (as shown in the video review). But the Olight Baton 3 (63mm) is 10mm shorter than the SC21, the S1 Mini (54mm) is 9mm shorter than the Baton 3, and the Fenix E16 (51mm) is 3cm shorter than the S1! This thing is longer than the Thrunite T1, which is an 18350 light!

Second, I am doubtful of the runtime/output numbers. The SP10S claims its high mode is 310 lumens for 2 hours 11 minutes (of which that output is inflated) using the same LED. It seems suspicious that this light can maintain 400 lumens for an hour and a half utilizing a battery that has near the same capacity battery as the SP10S. Also take into account that the SP10S claims 80 lumens for nine and a half hours, where the SC21 claims 100 lumens for only four hours. Something seems off…

Third, if this uses the same ramping software as the SP32 and the SP35, then it has the same problem of its ramping curve. Those lights ramp way too linearly, as it takes the same amount of time to increase the same amount of lumens throughout the range. As an example, if it takes the light a quarter of a second to increase 100 lumens, that’s a lot more noticeable when at the bottom of the ramp than at the top (where it’s not easy to distinguish that increase in output). Trying to adjust the lower end becomes much more difficult, where the difference between 5, 20, and 100 lumens is dramatic.

To me, this one seems like a swing and a miss for Sofirn, as well as a missed opportunity to bring a small (around 60mm) 18350 light to market.

Just got mine today. Nice light but not revolutionary. Memory mode is disappointing (changed my mind on memory mode). My OnTheRoad M3 Pro is stuck to the metal stem of my bed side table lamp. This one might attach to the fridge, only have 3 torches in the kitchem atm.

Size reference of come of my short stuff: L-R Astrolux K2, Amutorch E3S, Sofirn SC21, OnTheRoad M3 Pro, Astrolux S41 & Lumintop FWAA

Inbuilt battery, 20350, 16340, 16340, 18350 & 14500

Can’t believe that nobody passed an info from Reddit…

Barry agreed to make a batch of SC21 Anduril if his electronics team confirm it’s doable :)))

That’s ’cause we want SP10S first!

In pink, please :+1:

Honestly... i like SP35 UI, simple and waaaaay better than hold for off crap so if only this can be improved on SP10 i'd be more than happy. Colors...whatever LOL

SP35 UI improvements over the SP10S are fantastic. There’s something I love about the Sofirn UI when used in stepped mode that others like Olight don’t do. It’s what I call the “dead zone.” There’s a time between a single click and a long press where the UI does nothing. This works fantastically if you accidentally don’t hold the button down long enough for a long press. If the light is off and you want moonlight, but don’t hold the button long enough for it to turn on, nothing happens. Mainly, it does not turn on in memorized mode, blinding you when you wanted moonlight. If the light is on and you don’t hold the button long enough for a mode change, the light does not shut off on you, leaving you in the dark.

Two other things dealing with moonlight over Olight: Sofirn’s UI does not memorize moonlight and takes much less time for a long press to actually turn on.

That’s the ugly part.

When I’m away, I always leave my S1R at moon level. I bet if I’d take the Sofirn, I would blind myself a couple of times.

I can see a person preferring moonlight to be memorized, especially with Olight’s long delay to access it through shortcut. But with the short time the Sofirn UI takes to access it, it doesn’t seem worthwhile to have it memorized too. I leave my SP35 in eco mode (which is around 6-7 lumens) and then have direct access to two low modes.

Wellp, I like the setup of my EC50, which has zero blinkies and is simplicity personified.

Press’n’hold goes to moonlight, no need to memorise anything. 2click goes right to highest, also no need to memorise anything. Regular click takes me to the last-memorised setting, which is typically just regular low or maybe the next-higher setting. SO I have immediate access to 3 discrete modes/levels.

My MH20 is a little different. Hold a half-press for moonlight, hold a full-press is turbo, regular click takes you to last-memorised. Regular click takes you to last-memorised, sure, but it does remember and memorise both moonlight and turbo if that’s what you got to, even by shortcut.

Either way, I never got blinded by either, as I can always always always start from moonlight with no surprises. I don’t see any bother with taking the shortcut to moonlight if only to be sure that’s where you’re starting.

What’s the advantage of not having it memorized, longuylander?

I really wanted to like this light but so far I couldn’t :zipper_mouth_face:
Namely due to the comparison with other lights (non consensual ones, eventually)
This SC21 is longer than an S1R / S1R II (16340); it is also longer than the Skilhunt M200 with shorty tube (from Astrolux ) and an 18350 that has more capacity. Slimmer than the last one, of course, but even so, not much

I know it may have some virtues, but I couldn’t find one that would lead me to buy this light! I am not bashing, just saying that others suit me better!

And I hope the ones who get it like it and that it works fine :+1:

As Lightbringer mentioned, a light that has a shortcut to moonlight but doesn’t memorize it gives three different modes for the light to be turned on. The shortcut can always be used to get to moonlight, so memorizing it only takes away one of the regular modes for direct access. Which is why it’s great that most lights don’t memorize turbo either, but give direct access to it. Again, just a personal preference.