FREEME ✌ ASTROLUX WP3 LEP 562lm 2952m 21700 Flashlight Group Buy

1.75Mcd - Interested!

Hope to bring down the price further. BG will negotiate for a better price this week.

Fingers crossed.

EA02 + LEP = WP3 :slight_smile:

If it is an EA02 host, is there any chance of USB-C charging or Anduril too?!

Host is total redesigned. USB-C should be possible but Anduril not required.

Wait…That’s Mateminco? If so, I hope the quality control is good.

Very interesting, is it going to be using the newer LEP technology or the original with the mirror ?


That’s mirror right?

Yes, i will confirm it again for the retail version.

Although the beam looks a bit better with the newer style (shine through?), mirror ones seem to perform better.

Both Jetbeam and Maxtoch have switched from mirror to shine through, resulting in lower specs. M1X WP-RX —> RRT M1X and L2K —> L3K. Only 2 examples there but it’s a start of a pattern.

I wonder why they’re doing this. Maybe it’s easier/cheaper to manufacture? Jetbeam did drop their prices a bit but Maxtoch didn’t. I also noticed that the L3K is out of stock. Wonder if they’ve stopped selling it or if they’ll release an improved version…or maybe…it’s just out of stock.

Product listed.

$169.99 offer valid till Jul 31, 2021.

Price will increase by 10-15% higher from Aug.

I’m guessing its to obscure the laser class restrictions in some countries since its completely enclosed it wouldn’t be rejected/returned upon entry into the country.

Olight did mention that LEP with white beam is not allowed in US for regular consumers (pls verify).That is why Odin Turbo is in yellowish green tint.

Would the 26350 EA01 tube work on this?

Edited: Both 26350 short tube and 26800 tube are compatible with WP3.

I wonder why there are no 70mm LEPs. All of them seem to be 60mm and under (apart from the $1000+ ones). Maybe they can’t find the right size lens?

Due to law of diminishing returns?