10 Years Clean and Sober

Raccoon, very nice accomplishment!

What is “old school vaping”?

I’ve been clean and sober for 18 years. I was recently in your area at the http://www.fourtwentybank.com/ great lounge.
Can I consider myself clean and sober since Cannabis is legal in Cali? :smiley:

Congrats RC !!

——So a minor “congrats” to me. —-

we disagree.
it is a MAJOR congrats to you.

RC, I have the same question about vapes… what is the difference between old and new school? I have never felt the need for anything more than papers and a zippo for the 4 or 5 times a year I partake. I guess, at least I mostly know what is in it that way.

Hello RC,

I am glad that you were able to stop in time on your own, before you placed your self beyond any and all human aid. When that happens, there is a solution, but it involves taking action to get connected to a power greater than ourselves that will solve the problem of lack of willpower.

27 years…. that is indeed an accomplishment!! Congratulations & thanks for sharing your story my friend.
Your advice is stellar also. :white_check_mark:

Amen to both statements… especially the money one. :smiley: :smiley:

raccoon city :+1:
You are doing the right thing, keep your friends close, but understand who is a real friend. :wink:
A real friend will never expect you to follow them into using any drug or doing anything illegal. :wink:

Friends — Hah — They’re highly over rated in the Partying scene


Have you thought of entering the priesthood?

No one has been "inspired" to start a debate on vaping so I think your post is okay.

I don't consider mental health meds as even remotely brainwashing, and I've been taking them since 1995, so even when I consumed alcohol and marijuana.

I understand where you're coming from as there is a massive amount of stigma surrounding mental health medication and treatment.

(I used to be grossly misinformed on the topic as well.

Don't worry--most people that are misinformed are completely unaware of their situation.)

Well, "old school" and "new school" are terms that I made up.

Old school vaping of marijuana is when you only vape marijuana, and it's one of the safest ways to consume marijuana.

New school vaping is when you vape marijuana and a bunch of other things that are potentially very dangerous.

New school vaping of marijuana is very similar to the vaping of nicotine.

I was raised Mormon, so I sort of was in the priesthood when I was a teenager.

Currently I'm an atheist, and I have no plans to go back to any religion.

Excellent work raccoon city.

Yep, and sadly; many times in various other scenes also. :white_check_mark:

Congrats, that’s actually a huge accomplishment !!!

Well said!

Congrats on the milestone. I’ve been drinking more than I should these last 18 COVID months so last week Friday was my last drink. 1 week sober :smiley:

get sober and clean for 10 years, and you get all kind of praises and congrids, stay clean and sober all your life, and no one thinks it is an achievement of any sort lol
i did smoke cigarettes’ for about 20 years however, quit in 2009, never had a cig since.