CPF Sold - Under New Management

I was somewhat active on there for several years and never had a negative experience. I know a lot of people had conflicts on there so hopefully this will be a new chapter.

I’ve just enjoyed BLF the past couple years much more and stopped visiting CPF.

I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but that shouldn’t be conflated with the potential future success or downfall of any forum. What makes or breaks a forum is 1) the userbase, and 2) the moderation and administration.

Going back to software specifically for internet forums, the only modern and viable alternative on that list not based on PHP is Discourse.

That’s not entirely true. Modern alternatives have a completely different concept, that’s why you don’t see them listed anywhere.
In the old days, someone had to build an entire app (like a forum) almost from scratch and had to write hundreds of thousands of lines of code, like the interaction with the database engine, the rendering on the user-end.
After all that work, it made sense to either sell the software or share it as open-source.

Today you build a similar app, with even more interactivity with just a few thousand lines.
You don’t need to do all that work anymore because of libraries and frameworks.
And it doesn’t make sense to sell it or share it because so little actual work is involved compared to old apps, that everyone prefers to build tailor-made apps, specific for the website on which they are intended to run

Although I prefer BLF over CPF and that’s why I am here, we mustn’t forget the significant contributions the CPF community has made to the flashlight hobby.

This is all about the flashlights, its not the Mets vs the Yankees.

Interesting! (Wont be going back though even if I’m not super active in here either)

I read sometimes here yes, but rarely post nowadays :slight_smile:

Oh, just noticed I missed my own 10year party :partying_face:


Traditionally, the 10th year of marriage is marked with tin or aluminum

I’ve seen a number of BLF folks show up on r/flashlight, but are there some serious flashaholics there who don’t bother with BLF?

Thank you, sb. It still amazes me how people feel free to render judgements based on very loose suppositions. I guess it’s that “get in a dig” thing. Anyway, these forum architectures are aging, but frankly I find BLF to be very workable, much more so than CPF. The only thing I feel missing is a LIKE button. Sometimes you want to express appreciation without having to post a reply. Also, if someone ends up doing one of those massive quoted posts, having a truncation widget with optional expand would be very nice. Some people on here, usually newbies, end up doing this—quotes a review, VERY long content, with just a “great review thanks!” reply—annoying as all get out.

Have you seen the site software in use by tenforums.com It’s pretty good. I don’t know how to tell what BBS version it’s using, though.

Thanks xevious. A few months ago I did configure an option to limit quote nesting to 5 levels.

Looks like vBulletin, compare the What’s Going On section at the bottom to the one here:

I’m personally not a fan of vBulletin, it doesn’t have a very good security history.

Good to know. Sounds like a sensible setting.

Yeah, I know TenForums got hacked at one point a couple years back. I don’t know if it was the security weakness of vBulletin or their insufficient safeguards. Overall, the site has been pretty reliable all things considered. Btw, while you’re here
 What’s the deal with quoting a post and finding it having HTML tags in it (mostly span and paragraph)? It can end up adding significant blank lines interspersed in the content, forcing me to go back and trim it. It seems to be common with certain members, like everytime I quote a post from Raccoon City. Is there a trick to responding so that HTML tags aren’t visually replicated? My editor is almost always in Simple Post editor. Would Advanced help mitigate that?

I joined CPF in 2012.It served its purpose.

However, After awhile I got sick of the EGO driven and controlling mods whose owner
Kelly was even worse.I felt like I lived in a country where the Government controlled its people.


They took the definition of moderator too far.

Everything should be taken in moderation
 including moderation. :slight_smile:

Also, thanks for running this forum SB. We appreciate all your work.

By the way, if you want to bug sb, ask him when BLF is getting Drupal 8.

Apparently upgrading to a new version is a real pain in the neck, and I think Drupal 8 isn't really ready for primetime anyway.

I’m a member at CPF, but never felt comfortable enough to post anything. I’ve learned a lot at CPF over the years, but haven’t been over there for quite awhile. I only have so many hours in a week for flashlights and I’ve chosen to spend my time here instead.

Because serious product reviews were a driving force to my CPF membership as a resource, once "Selfbuilt" moved on to other ventures, the standard for high quality, comprehensive reviews went with him. While there certainly is no shortage of review material available, in my opinion, none come close to that which Selfbuilt provided. So it was at that point that CPF became a less appealing resource to visit, and joining BLF made sense for my needs. Plus, SB provides a fantastic platform for the sharing of information especially everything modding related.

Good point.

If the same bunch of toss pot mods still run the place I have literally zero interest.

But better them staying over there than migrating here