CPF Sold - Under New Management

eh, I actually came here from CPF when I heard about the “giggle monster” and had to check it out and then get one, and others…and then more…:p.

I was mostly on CPF because of my laser hobby which was a very small (one) section of their forums, actually hung out on photonlexicon.com more.

I'm think it's due to the fact that BLF was created because of how those on CPF looked down on budget flashlights.

They drove away many people, there are consequences to that.
If they want more members they have to realize their past mistakes and change their culture so that they are not repeating them.
Atoning would also be nice but it is unlikely.

check out auto section, lmao, it is hilarious, people who have not posted in years come back and parse those 2 idiots mods for something they told them years ago, writing long posts on how usefull they are, what a crock of sht, no one does that, those 2 need to be thrown out like stinky garbage, they are 2 most toxic mods on that forum. they are not fooling anyone, what a childish stunt,
oh and every time i had a pm fight with them some idiot starts pm’ing me how bad i am for arguing with those 2 shmucks, and calls me names, lmao. if i did not know any better i’d say those 2 have other accounts, and write people nasty massage’s from those accounts. the sooner they are gone the better off the forum will be.
and they do read this forum, good. i hope Jelly reads it too

Does mods get pay?

It seems not. A particularly stupid and anti-social one with handle of alaric something or other, mentioned in reply to my criticism about him not doing what he should have done:

“As a moderator, I certainly have the option to decide whether to move a message or a set of messages to a new thread, but such a task requires more of my (unpaid) time to do when the goal is to preserve existing threads and keep them on track”.

Yeah, whatever. If you don’t do a proper job just don’t do it at all! Not getting paid does of course attract those who seek power and/or ego stroking in some situations, the type of people who shouldn’t be in power.

If you want to have a laugh, I analysed the inane and anti-social + inane responses respectively of -virgil (you may find my scoring system for his reply amusing) and alaric something or other, here:


I’m not going to check out alpg88’s hint on what happens now on cpf, that website is on my forever-boycott list, but what he describes is amusing. Faking of messages wouldn’t surprise me as it fits with ego stroking, possibly even with making sure they will continue there after the sale of the site with the new owner possibly reviewing them…

When others in this thread mentioned other moderators they had issues with I was thinking: “why are there so many moderators?”…

That all of them are a-holes doesn’t surprise me at all though, that comes from ‘greta’ who selected people who are similar to her… (see my previous message too about such behaviour).

I used to use Adblock Plus but switched to Ublock Origin. It’s been so long I forgot why or what shortcoming I was addressing, but I have no complaints with Ublock Origin.

Marky Mark refers to Mark Wahlberg not Zuckerberg

Not in my reference. Mark Wahlberg is Dirk Diggler. :smiley:

Someday I might post a review of my truck lights. I have 12 illegal light bars and 2 legal rigid fog lights. Those mods would probably permaban me lmfao.

Virgil and Allaric or whatever would literally have a coronary.

usually no…
Ive modded (supermod) on mtbr.com

That site is HUGE with a ton of traffic….I am dormant there for a few years, but there was never pay.

one mod was a rep for Niner and offered any mod team member, a bike a cost, and Gregg the owener(he has since sold the site) would offer mods mfr swag they accumulated.
things like socks, shirts or other minor items…

I’m getting mails from CPF alerting me to new posts; I haven’t been active on there in years.

I "was" a member of CPF, but no longer. It appears my login details have been removed from there by them, possibly because I hadn't logged in there for a few years or so?

I have noticed a change in the way CPF handles images

they now take images I upload, and automatically replace them with a thumbnail (small image).

the full size image is only available IF logged in to CPF

iow, CPF is appropriating images and hosting them on their own site

this fits with the objective of CPF to limit info sharing to people who are members…

CPF wont show full size images anymore, unless the viewer is a logged in member

my reaction is to stop posting,
since my pics are not being shown in the size I posted, and my pictures are being appropriated and loaded onto CPF servers, automatically… (no longer optional)

They’ve always had nutty rules, I guess it’s continuing?


And what the hell is with that new “airing out HDS’s dirty laundry” thread of pure dogpiling? No forum with sane moderation that I’ve ever been a part of would allow this, it would be shut down on sight.

Wow, one more reason to avoid CPF.

How tiny are the thumbnails?

Who is HDS and why would they air dirty laundry ?

Iunno, ask that Hogokanshakalaka guy that’s working full-time as a launderer :smiley: