Lume1-FW3X: Constant Current Buck-Boost & FET Driver with Anduril1/2 + RGB Aux

Mine blinked out -- -- - (21°C), so apparently it was correctly calibrated. But.... no matter what threshold I set for the stepdown (45°C or 65°C), my FW3X immediately (i.e. after 3-4s) stepped down from Turbo to a way dimmer level (ceiling?). This is a major downside imho, so I decided to sell it right away.

I have and I think all have the same “problem” with the Lume 1
Is a very good driver but the only way to run turbo constantly is 2H from OFF.
There is no step down to ceiling if i am not wrong

Hey guys Im new here so changing driver and lights in fw3a will be a hard work for me. Is there any chance that we see ready sets of fw3a+lume1 driver for sale somewhere? Maybe nealsgadgets? Maybe there are trusted people who can assemble this flashlight for order in this forum thread?

The mokume/damaste ones also use it. There is no reverse polarity protection so if you insert a battery backwards if it’ll fry the driver.

Welcome to BLF!

Is this what you’re looking for? ✌ FREEME - LUMINTOP FW3X 2800lm Lume1 Driver AUX RGB LED Flashlight

Oh thanks!! Looks like! except there are not listed cree xpl 7A / xpl hi U4 8A / v2 5D warm light version :frowning: but maybe I can ask it in that thread.

I’m going crazy with two Lume1 units. In both the battery check and storm mode are very slow. I have checked welds and even cleaned with isopropyl alcohol but without solving it. The other modes work fine. Even the factory reset led blinks slowly. I do not know what to do.

Battery check toooo slow

Storm mode tooooo slow

Probably fuses are set incorrectly.

Try to reflash firmware

Hello!. The problem was that it came with changed fuses. Thank you.

Would someone be willing to explain what fuses are and how they work and how to know the correct values?


Hello. I have contacted
loneoceans and commented on the steps to follow to solve the problem. Basically the fuses came changed. If you have this controller and the speed of certain parameters fails, you should put HIGH fuse 0xE2 and low 0xDE. This help is thanks to

It was indeed that. I don’t understand how they send some drivers with changed fuses or without updated firmware.


Fuses are what you could call settings for the microprocessor. You can set some things like at which speed the firmware program runs at. Some firmware code can be dependent on what these speed settings are set at. The person who wrote the firmware knows what the values should be in order for the firmware to function correctly.

Perfect answer. Thank you!

  • Mine unfortunately also came with switched fuses :person_facepalming:
  • and doesn‘t correctly display led voltage with aux leds (see post above) using stock Anduril 1 :person_facepalming:

At least it still is efficient, well done :+1: ! Will definitely keep an eye out for the Lume X1 driver.

Here are some runtime measurements I did with Adafruit VEML7700 light sensor. Ambient temp was ~ 21 degrees Celsius. I set the ramp boundaries to 1 and 149 to obtain the whole output range of the efficient driver.

Ramp Step 5/5

Ramp Step 4/5

I really missed the boat on these, are they still available anywhere?
Or does anyone in Canada have one they’d let go?

They should be available in the Lumintop store on Aliexpress. However, if you want a fully functional Anduril flashlight, I cannot recommend the FW3X until the issues mentioned by others and me have been resolved.

I recently asked the Lumintop store for a solution. Last response was “will try to check with colleague”. Hopefully they will come back at me, its ~50 bucks after all.