Weekly Deal: 17% off SC21 keychain flashlight [Amazon.us]

Absolutly we still offer the code, I’ll send the code to your message, please check it out.

Thanks and I sent an original reply to your message, and then an update just now.


This looks fantastic! Can you send me a code please?

Do you plan to offer this deal on Amazon Canada ?

I would like a code please.

Yes, PM sent, please check it out. :innocent:

Hi, the sc21 will be stocked on Amazon.ca next week.

PM sent. Thanks for your support!

May I have an AMZ US code please?

Code has been sent to your message, please check it out. Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you, Sofirn. Could I please get a code for SC21 AMZ US store

Code for SC21: E6HMWBBG
Enjoy it!

BTW, I reset the preferential price not the prime discount. But there is just little bit difference than the previous deal price.


Yes, here it is: E6HMWBBG

Ordered, thanks!

please send a code. thanks!

On the big side for a keychain light, but nice. Please do an Anduril version with reflashable code and a warmer tint, high CRI led? It is fine if it has fewer lumens since we are sophisticated users who care about the finer points of flashlights, here on BLF ;-).

Also, I know everything is going USB-C now, but most of my stuff is still Micro-USB, so having both available would be convenient.

I’m going to resist temptation on this one, pending something like the above, since I already have I think 5 other Sofirn lights on order!

SC21 is using 90 high CRI LH351D LED. We’ll have Anduril version of SC21. Warmer tint, like 4000k tint?

4000K would be great! Looking forward. Will you use one of the ATTiny1616 drivers from one of the related threads? It will be important to offer a reflash kit, which should take only 3 wires instead of 7 like in the older processors.

I think it is ok to make the light smaller too, by leaving out the USB charge port. That is a convenience in bigger lights, but for this it is ok to use an external charger. My current smallest CR123A light (4Sevens Mini 123) is 60.4mm long and that difference would be noticeable.