Which animals could you beat in a fight?........

I would put my money on any animal larger than a medium size dog. Even something as small as a raccoon would be pretty formidable I think. They have teeth, can be single minded in attacking, and are quick.

Why do cops shoot attacking dogs rather than clubbing them?

Let’s take wolverines for something on the small size. They are about the size of a medium dog yet have been known to kill bears.

Chimps are several times stronger than people, have arms, and are intelligent as non-humans go. I’d definitely would put my money on them.

Anything like lions, tigers, gorillas, etc are going to be a short and ugly contest for sure.

Honestly speaking, probably a small to mid-sized dog, if it was just my fists and feet. But I agree with what others have said, with a bat or some other sturdy weapon? I’d feel much more able.

…plus glasses. They peck eyes as well :sunglasses:

I remember reading a story years ago in a… err… men’s magazine about a guy that had his skull cracked by a cougar but still managed to overcome the beast. As a teenager that was an interesting read.

1-2 years later I was out camping and looking for firewood when I came upon a large group of kangaroos. I thought I’d be polite and move off to one side in the scrub… where I came upon a male relaxing with 2 females. The females seemed mostly unperturbed but the male immediately stood up tall looking straight at me, scratched the ground in front of him and stood tall again. The roo was still shorter than me (I’m 6’3”…or was at the time) but it seemed like the presence of the roo was bigger than me. I backed up slowly and tried to disappear into the scrub.

I’ve had a few moments that got my heart rate up - cows/ bulls, horses, snakes, dogs, maybe 1-2 others. I think it really depends on the situation and how lucky you are. I don’t think I could win/kill against many animals but I might stay alive.

The digital mouse has still got me f’’’’d though :zipper_mouth_face:

Too old to fight. Gotta use tools.

Rodents can be dangerous…

Move away from that son.
You never know how they will react.
You just can’t read them….

When we were on vacation in Uganda 8 years ago we were within touching distance of a family of mountain gorillas. The guides wouldn’t let us get closer than a few feet away because of the fear of giving them our germs and diseases.

They were really peaceful and mellow, with an infant playing on a tree branch close to us. Of course when 2 males decided to charge each other I about jumped out of my shoes :person_facepalming:

Well armed I could take a mosquito

Haha, forgot about the Holy hand grenade

Name one. That’s a .454 casul.


I think “win a fight” depends an awful lot on the word win…
And the conditions at the time. With full winter garb an encounter with an aggressive dog would end badly for the dog (assuming my 40 years younger - 6’3 220lb.- than now self). In shorts and a tee-shirt, at my current age, it would end badly for me.

Add a weapon into the mix, once again it depends on what win means. Feed the ?? your arm and cut its throat with a moderate sized knife… You win, but maybe never regain full use of your arm.

In the era of the old time African big game hunters I have read accounts of one hunter dispatching a lion with a knife. Also a leopard being done in with a knife.
Both hunters did not go away unscathed.
Someplace I read that a leopard encounter is measured in stitches per second. Like 100!

For some reason Kangaroos seem to come up in these discussions. Why? Perhaps it’s the boxing thing.
A Big Red male Roo could easily open you up from eyes to toes if so inclined. The key word is so inclined.

As for people keeping exotics for pets - You must always be prepared for when you say
“Get off the couch!”
And the critter turns to you and says
“NO! Make Me”.
you should never own something you can’t beat in a fight.
All the Best,

We should get together and see if we can do a rabbit if we both pile in.

But what happens if after tracking it down to its warren you find it’s a Jackalope?

Carnage and bloodshed - You wouldn’t stand a chance…
All the Best,

Fruit Flies .

I know their weakness—rotting fruit. Even in a room clouded with ’em, I set out my trap—a tall glass with rotting fruit at the bottom, then step back. They can’t help themselves. Within minutes they’re swarming about in the glass, eager to lay eggs in the rotting fructus. Then… with deft hand, the glass is covered, trapping the helpless varmints. I saunter over to the sink, start a heavy stream of water and tuck it between thumb-forefinger to begin a rapid filling of the glass. Halfway, I stop. And then… the MAYHEM. I vigorous shake the glass. The fruit flies face their aqua armageddon, violently tossed about, most of them drowning. I remove my hand to survey the carnage. Ah, a few of the pesky buggers still live, twitching about in the fruit swill floating at the surface. I feign rescue with my finger, which they gratefully latch onto as I raise it up. But in their dazed confusion, they know not what’s coming—another finger. To bring on the game “Fly Crush.” I am their demon.

I tried kicking 2 aggressive boxers tag teaming me. They just laughed.

Anything I carried openly that would give me confidence in taking on domestic or wild animals, from rodents upward would probably get me arrested. And even though I can legally conceal carry a firearm, I expect I will go to jail if I even pull it (let alone use it) out where there are witnesses.
Given that, I try not to irritate the non-human species. They haven’t read the law and are not concerned about legal consequences.

I wear a go pro camera during my daily 7 mile walk. That way when I have to defend myself against domestic animals, it’s all on video. By the way, the wild ones have left me alone. Coyote, Javalena, etc. have not bothered me. It’s the loose, aggressive so-called domesticated ones that have immediately threatened to send me to the hospital. But someone other than the one who made me and the one who made them made us equal.

I walk about four miles daily, In the morning before the sun comes up normally. Have noticed the same. Wild animals want nothing to do with me. So called domestic dogs have been a problem on occasion. Two legged critters have also occasionally been a problem. Won’t stop my taking walks, but I pay far better attention to my surroundings because of those occasions. Would consider it a sin to hurt an animal or person unprovoked, but will not willingly become a victim.

Maybe a crazed Goose but then again they always get me when they fly up and swoop in again lol. I’ve been attacked by Goose/Geese a few times already. Those suckers are sure fiesty man! :smiling_imp:

And they’re gooooooooood eatin’!