TrustFire TR-J12, $54-Shipped, Aliexpress

3 x intl-outdoor protected ncr18650a 3100mah. I'm like really certain that the J12 was on high mode the whole time (there wasn't like any noticeable dim at all).

So when you were running those 2 unprotected batteries, did the J12 let you know that the batteries is nearly done? by like flickering or changing down modes automatically.

Yours could have bad protection curits like the early ones from IO. Mine dims. I usualy go by time as i know what the batteries discharge like at 6.2 amps from my hobby charger test's.

Highly doubt such thing, the same cells are sold by several reputable companies, well know fact at this time.

I actually have the one IO is currently selling ( and not the old batch (was it the grey version? I forgot) which I read people on here have issues and Hank offering them a discount on the newer version (which is the one I have).

So I guess my question is, at what voltage or current does the J12 decide to move from HI to MED/LO?

Again in case anyone missed it, the battery that the protection circuit activated, reads 3.05v (when warm) after I deactivated the protection with my hobby charger.

My driver runs around 6 amps tops out at 7.5 amp then dims and the current drops right off, i think they or some are digitaly regulated at 7.5 amps max. I have brought this up in my calling all tr-j12 owners thread. I to dont belive all tr-j11,s are made equal.

Mine appears to cut off HI at around 3V per cell, but as I suspect above theres a high likelihood not all J12s have identical DC-DC circuits. Its almost impossible to measure though because with cells depleted this far down unloaded cell voltage is much greater than voltage under load, and the cell voltage will rebound within a minute or two. Note also that my testing ONLY pertains to the TWO cell configuration. I havent tested it with 3x cells.

I have checked current on both of my TR-J12 between driver and led. One has alot of brass around the driver and the other has mostly plastic and smaller brass middle.

Using Sanyo 2600 fully charged and partially depleted gave similar results .


3 CELL 1.42 HI , 0.88 MED 0.22 LOW

2 CELL 1.47 HI , .88 MED .20 LOW


3 CELL 1.41 HI , 0.86 MED , 0.21 LOW

2 CELL 1.45 HI , 0.85 MED , 0.19 LOW

Kramer, do you have a link to the Aliexpress retailer you purchased from?


China East Face Science&Technology Co., Ltd
Store No.903269
Heres the URL:

Couldn’t hold out any longer! My first multi-emitter light is now on the way. This really seems like a steal.

So the question that begs to be asked is: Why isn’t everyone getting in on this deal? Killer light and killer price from a good vendor.

Just tried to order one too, but in the cart it says the seller is sold out. So my search for a good multi-XML 2x26650 light continues.


Got it Thursday, very nice light. Bright as can be, throws about as far as my BC40 but at that lights up a MUCH LARGER hot spot, plus everything else in sight. Still kinda want to do the KD monster driver if I can get it programmed for a Turbo mode of like 3500 lumes, then a high that’s the same as the current high, med that’s the same and a low that’s the same since the High currently it can run at for a long time and the med and low modes are pretty well spaced, and the Turbo would only be usable for a little while. Overall, I quite like this light.

That would be sick. Lead the way, oh pioneer, and I shall follow!

Ok, so I posted a review of this store, if anyone else wants to chime in their experiences I am sure it would be helpful to others.

Hi folks,

Just got my Trustfire TR-J12 from this same Aliexpress retailer. All arrived in perfect condition and very well boxed. Using my 2x26650 Trustfire 5000mAh’s charged to 4.19v, on HIGH mode I get 4.10a

Finally I have a good working 26650 light. Thanks for posting about this retailer, they are as professional as it gets and sell real Trustfire products.

Just took it outside and put it up against my DRY NW on Turbo and somehow my J12 beat it. I came inside and did a ceiling bounce test between both to see what the meter showed. The Dry read 630 lux and my new J12 read 805 lux under the exact same conditions. Perhaps the fact the Dry is NW tint and the J12 has a slightly cooler tint must be the reason for it being slightly brighter. Whatever the reason, I find it amazing the Dry got edged out.

thanks richiee i ordered from ali express 1 of these as well.
Coupon code: 15noorder20120614 – coupon $5 for orders larger than $25 can be used on but only once per account.

30% off
45$ shipped they are normally 75-80$ each be quick guys sale end in like 9 days.

ridicoulous deal for a nice torch!

Holy cow, that is a smoking hot deal! Thanks for the link, I may have to go for a second one.

i see how my first one go then i might go back for seconds and thirds as gifts for family lol

Are you kidding me!!!
You’re stealing it at that price.