I’m definitely in!

In, thanks. Glad this is the AL and not TI

Oh, I will not say no to this one :wink:
Please count me IN and thanks for the GAW, Acebeam! :beer:

EDIT: GAW “hunting” season is officially open!

I’m IN!

Thanks :slight_smile:

I’m IN. Thank you very much.

I’m in. Thanks and :beer:

I'm IN.

I love high CRI. Thanks, Acebeam!

Sure I’m in! Acebeam lights are great, thank you for giving some away.

I’m IN! Thanks for doing a giveaway, dreaming about building a collection!

I am IN.

Thanks :sunglasses:

I’m IN! Will I finally have my first Acebeam? :laughing:

I’m in, thank you!!

Deals and giveaways, nice to see you so active and engaging with the BLF community.

INterested in high CRI E70. Definitely IN. Thanks for the giveaway, Acebeam!

I’m in!


I'm in, thank you!

I’m in.

Thanks, I’m in.

I’m in!

(…if I’m allowed with my low post count!)

I’m IN. Maybe I can make it run Anduril

Count me in!

Cheers! :+1: :beer: