Wurkkos WK02 95CRI 2*AAA Tail Click Flashlight【Flash Sale, Best price ever】

Dude, you nailed the color. Amazing

Take my Money for that Red Devil !!
Get it on Amazon pronto :slight_smile:

The Samuel L Jackson edition is here!

Red for me as well.

I’m interested in the code please.

will try a small batch of red ext production :person_with_crown:

Brilliant color choice. So nice! A rich ruddy red.

I need a code, please. Just go ahead and send me a code every time you release a new light or new color :smiley:

I hope that RED ends up being the matte finish as it looks in that image.
Matte finish = great tactile feel / grip.

Interested in red :heart_eyes:

Is this a photo of an actual light already built, or a rendering?

I have not seen anodizing achieve quite that shade, nor with a matte finish, but I really like how it appears in this image.

Not that it is necessarily bad, but I’m used to brighter reds like I’ve seen on some Sofirn lights. I assume the red available for the WK01 is similar to what Sofirn produces, as well, but not the same as this image.

Anyways, I’m not ready to buy one yet, but I hope in the near future to pick up either a red or purple. I think both will look good, and if it turns out like the image, the red is probably the winner.



Thanks for the code. Do you have a link to the purple FC11 at Amazon US? I can only find the black version.

I’d like a discount for the FC11 if possible! I really want the purple. But not seeing it on amazon :frowning:

Really matte finish? That would be a major design improvement :+1: .

Red for me as well.

The purple color just made a small quantity and did not arrange to Amazon stock.
Black version code :

The purple color just made a small quantity and did not arrange to Amazon stock.
Black version code :

Any chance for a discount code for the FC11 in purple on Amazon.de? :innocent: