What would you change your BLF username to?

Nice, Artie T59!


Why not go all the way, to ArtieT1000 :wink:

I was about to say exactly this :laughing:

Perhaps Bort should change names to BortyMcBortface :smiley:

Fun Flashaholic Forum — the Triple F :smiling_imp:

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I changed my mind, and finally did it!
I changed my username from raccoon_city to raccoon.
I didn’t like the underscore between raccoon and city, so now I’m just raccoon.
I’m keeping my avatar the same (for now) so that people will hopefully realize that I’m the same old raccoon I’ve always been.
:raccoon: :city_sunset: :arrow_right: :raccoon:

Oddly enough username is shown second and name first if you have both parameters set in your settings.

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I find it kinda confusing to have a “username” and a “name” so I just have a username.
It makes it easier to mention me: @raccoon

@alice_abernathy probably does not approve :frowning_with_open_mouth:

And even more interesting that when you quote me it doesn’t quote the username.

I really like my username and i never gonna change it, also that is a single ward and it has a deep meaning !

I also really like my AV and i have made many different versions, probably my favorite one is that the character is eating, and i have 3 of them with flames - spider - snake, probably the spider on is my all time favorite because i have a 2nd degree Spider Belt on Tapology !

Although it could be way better if we can upload a square gif as an AV !

Nice to meet you, Ge Bort. Just one question:

I’m unsure how to pronounce the g. Which of these words is it like?

  • sigh
  • laugh
  • hiccough
  • boing
  • gila
  • .gif
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Ge Bort is going back to Bort, this is temporary to demonstrate the strange programming choice of Discourse and its ramifications.
My username is still Bort, not Ge Bort.

Thats part of the problem :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Ge Bort is Swedish.

Then who the heck is @Ge_Bort ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Trademark protection :nerd_face:

I’m tempted to log into @alice_abernathy 's account, but it seems more trouble than it’s worth. :man_facepalming:

When I first signed up I used my personalized license plate which was limited to 6 characters, hence…

That seemed to cause confusion so I asked SB to change it to DB Custom for clarification. DB is my initials and I do a lot of Custom work.

My avatar has changed a few times, used to have a metal Texas figure outlined in a sunset with my Texas Poker superimposed over it. Then decided to go back to my earliest custom work, a favorite oil painting I did when I was ten. And there ya go, a polar bear eyeballing an Eskimo in a Kayak with Sunset skies prevailing.

Y’all happy I shined some light on that? Lol

(Short answer, not changing)

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User Name: This Space For Rent
Avatar: blank space

Awesome. I never knew the backstory for that before. Hadn’t seen a closer view of the painting before either.

BTW, the new forum allows higher-resolution avatar pics… up to 360x360 I think?

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