What Scares You The Most?

Now where did I put those Prozacs again…. :laughing:

Yeh, like when I listen to Evanescence, I feel like I’m in desperate need of therapy, so I gotta scrub my brain with a few Judas Priest albums afterward. :laughing:

Oh yeah lol and sometimes I'll put on some "Run To The Hills" for some hope and inspiration perhaps!

Yea that’s her a very different person back then, still a comedian but not yet internationally famous.

Really only 2 things. Not bears, cougars, planes or heights.

1st) Having a child flip off the chairlift and land on their head while being left alone with my wife (a slow skiier) so I can selfishly go off and blast hard. First spotting their unconscious little body laying on the ground directly underneath me riding the chairlift as they are getting a cervical collar in preparation to be putting on a backboard.

2nd) Being stripped naked, hung upside down and having my testicals slowly and painfully squeezed flat into useless jelly.

Pretty much it right there.

Have you been watching those special “Japanese Movies” lately perhaps?? :innocent: :stuck_out_tongue:

This was my “FU!” anthem for ages. Still is.

razor blades

college graduation

brake fail in car

I hate it in movies when someone cuts themselves badly while shaving.

I know that the violence (and blood) isn't real, but it's hard for me to watch.

I disliked my junior high and high school graduations so much that I skipped my junior college and university graduations.

Becoming someone else’s long-pork meal.


Driving on the interstate with 18 wheelers and crazy drivers. I don’t fly anymore after working in aviation for 9 yrs.
Waking up while driving. Sharks, pit bulls, rottweilers, black widows, alligators, wild hogs, and crazy people. :wink:

Pit bulls in general, but most scary are the taser-proof pit bulls: https://denver.cbslocal.com/2021/10/13/pit-bull-taser-dog-attack-fort-lupton/

Oh well, that's what guns are for.

Was the pit bull wearing rubberized booties? Maybe the pit bull had no connection to ground? Maybe police have to tase hundreds of pit bulls daily, so after a few years, the breed becomes taser resistant? We have MRSA, so do we now have TRPB? Or maybe the pit bull has been tased a few times already, so it developed immunity?

It really scares me when the majority trust what the government and MSM tell them.

Downshift to slow the car down and use the parking brake (though it will cause rear wheel skids at high speeds, something not for novices, use it to come to a full stop when you are already slowed down).

If you drive a standard then you should have experience with downshifting, if you drive an automatic then practice it, dropping 1-2 gears at a time.
Not good for the engine long term to use excessively but in an emergency situation it can save your life.

:+1: Yep …… simply amazing how stupid the majority has become.
Ive always considered myself a good judge of people……. thats why I dont like them.

I agree but for opposite reasons. The fringe media has become the MSM.

……. and still the subjective ‘majority’ continues to ignore ‘The fringe’ when it reports objectively…… go figure :beer: :person_facepalming: :beer: :beer:

“objectively” is the key word.

Now I’m thoroughly confused…