[Ongoing] Deals for IF22A in Black and Sliver on Amazon.us

No need for code, I purchased it yesterday but thank you. What’s a few dollars. Can’t wait to see it this coming Thursday! :+1:

If any codes are still available, I’d like one :slight_smile:

I would like to purchase the IF22A Silver w/ battery from your Sofirn official website. Official Link It is sitting in my cart. Can you provide a coupon code? Thank you for providing such a quality product! :smiley:

I would like a code please.


Are these 5000k?


5000k IF22A is still not released yet.

I requested a code on 10/13 and have not received it yet .

Can I get a code please.

Likewise here, I was requested on 10/13 post#11, still waiting for the code.

please send me a discount code for IF22A

I’m so sorry for my mistake to miss your message. The code has been send to you. Hope you enjoy it, sincerely!

I would like to receive a code if still available. Thanks!

I also posted on 10/14 for a code. I'd still like to get one when available. Thanks

Thanks for the code. Just ordered! :)

Please send a code along - thanks!

Can I get a code please

I’d like this Amazon code please

The deals for IF22A is available again. The price is better than Black Friday. Interested? No hesitation to comment below. The codes are limited per one day. Request first, get the code first!

Code please … IF22A

Yes, PM sent! Please check it out, thanks for your support always! :innocent:

Purchased … “Light of The Year” from Sofirn IMHO.

Many Thanks.